The cicadas are singing in E

Why? Was she able to hear that frequency better than others?

My college dorm provided phones in each room, all the same type of course, but they could be tuned to different ring pitches. We’d be hanging out together in someone’s room and hear a phone ring down the hall, but not know whose it was. This one girl had perfect pitch and so could say “B flat – that’s yours, Charlie.”

No barbershop quartets? The cicada need to up their game.

It could be the first line of a limerick! :grin:

When I was camping near Cap-Chat in Canada for the solar eclipse in 1972, I heard a bird call several times that was like the first 4 notes of Wagner’s “Tristan und Isolde”. The difference was the the bird call started on E rather than Wagner’s A. Transposed from F to C, in a way. I also read somewhere that Wagner actually did base those notes on a bird call, but I can’t find the reference now.

I had a cat who used to mew a pretty pure tone, so I played the keyboard along with her to see what pitch she was meowing at. It was B-flat, so after that I used to call her “the B-flat cat.”

My anecdote for hearing tunes in the wild is some automated staple or nail gun that I heard working on a neighboring apartment. For a month, a dozen or more times throughout the day, I would hear a single piece of metal getting shot out of it by the worker. Then, the worker would hold onto the trigger which, like holding down on a key on a keyboard, would start to rapid-fire the gun after an interval. Then, when they let go of the trigger it would shoot one last shot.

It sounded exactly like “A shave and a haircut”, but without the “two bits” part. After the first day I felt like Roger Rabbit and wanted to walk out and say “DO THE TWO BITS PART ALREADY!”

Samurai Guitarist has a YouTube channel, with a video titled: “dumb things all guitarists have done.” Number six was using a handheld tuner on a fart. It was D#.

Have at it.

When we were having our roof done, we noticed that too! We assumed it was deliberate and took to knocking twice whenever the roofer up there did it. TIL it wasn’t. lol.

It wasn’t me doing this messing around but Dodie Clark did:

Dodie - Toothbrush Harmony

Some have taken it to extremes.

And Device Orchestra has been going on for for years.

I remember his output before he added googly eyes, let alone the pipe cleaner arms.

The heyday of spectral music was the 1970s:

Whether it’s true or not, I don’t know — but the idea behind a statement like “most car horns are in the key of G” probably is that they play an interval, or a single tone, found in the G Major triad (G, B, or D).

Well, at least, if there was an idea behind the statement at all. Knowing how lists of factoids work, I think it’s more probable that it was just pulled directly out of some orifice of the list-writer.

For sure.

Wow, nice to see these two rather niche composers getting a mention here. I could never really get into Grisey’s music. He died relatively young in the late 90s.

Murail is still alive and active as a composer as far as I know. I’ve listened to his music quite a bit and the way he manages to completely transform an orchestra’s sound either by using clever acoustic tricks or electronics after they became available is always interesting. Very evocative music.

L’Esprit des Dunes (1994)
Winter Fragments (2000)

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