The Daily Feud: Avast! A Seagoing Feud by El_Kabong [Game Over]

  1. Trafalgar
  2. Sloop
  3. Argentina
  4. Adm. Chester Nimitz
  5. Oil
  6. The Great Lakes
  7. Indonesia
  8. Antwerp
  9. SeaQuest*
  10. Lusitania

*That’s some major geekage there…

  1. Trafalgar
  2. ketch
  3. Colombia
  4. Halsey
  5. vehicles
  6. St. Lawrence Seaway
  7. Madagascar
  8. Rotterdam
  9. Black Pearl
  10. Lusitania
  1. Trafalgar
  2. Clipper
  3. Argentina
  4. Admiral Nimitz
  5. Oil
  6. Mississippi River
  7. Indonesia
  8. Hamburg
  9. Pequod
  10. Lusitania
  1. Merrimac vs Monitor
  2. Sloop
  3. Brazil
  4. Nimitz
  5. Oil
  6. Panama Canal
  7. Indonesia
  8. Amsterdam
  9. The Flying Dutchman
  10. Lusitania
  1. Trafalgar
  2. Frigate
  3. Argentina
  4. Admiral Nimitz
  5. Oil
  6. Panama Canal
  7. pass
  8. Calais
  9. Pequod
  10. Lusitania

I suck. And this will be my last Feud for a while because we are going on vacation and won’t be back till next Thursday. Ahoy!

  1. Trafalgar
  2. Catamaran
  3. Argentina
  4. Nimitz
  5. Oil
  6. Mississippi River
  7. United States
  8. Genoa
  9. Pequod
  10. Lusitania

This might be my worst so far, and I’ve been in the bottom 10% regularly.

  1. Battle of New Orleans
  2. Sloop
  3. Brazil
  4. McArthur
  5. Oil
  6. Mississippi River
  7. Philippines
  8. Marseilles
  9. The Bounty
  10. Lusitania
  1. Trafalgar
  2. Sloop
  3. Argentina
  4. “Bull” Halsey
  5. Coal
  6. The Mississippi River
  7. Indonesia
  8. Rotterdam
  9. The Pequod
  10. Lusitania
  1. Jutland
  2. Yacht
  3. Brazil
  4. Nimitz
  5. Oil
  6. Rhine
  7. Thailand
  8. Liverpool
  9. Pequod
  10. Lusitania

If I counted correctly** Pushkin** is #46. There’s still time folks!

  1. Monitor vs. Merrimac (Virginia)
  2. Schooner
  3. Argentina
  4. Admiral Nimitz
  5. Oil
  6. The Mississippi River
  7. North Korea
  8. London
  9. The Black Pearl
  10. The Lusitania
    There seems to be a fair bit of overlap between this one and the “Ships” one a few days ago.

As Bugs Bunny would say –

“Bon Voy-adj-ee!” :smiley:

Have fun!

  1. Battle of Trafalgar
  2. Sloop
  3. Argentina
  4. Admiral Nimitz
  5. Oil
  6. Panama canal
  7. Cuba
  8. Liverpool
  9. The Black Pearl
  10. Lusitania

*4 - total guess

I think Jack Batty is the 48 response.

You counted right!

True, and sorry for the similarities but I put this one in the queue long before that other one was posted. Great minds, etc.

I should have caught it - my apologies.

And as the “great mind” who thought up the other one, let me just say that I’ll probably suck just as bad at this one as I did at my own! :wink:

  1. Name a famous naval battle from before 1940.
    1. Trafalgar 27

  2. Monitor and Merrimac 9

  3. Jutland 5

  4. Spanish Armada 3

  5. Lepanto 1

  6. Mobile Bay 1

  7. New Orleans 1

  8. Nile 1

  9. Name a type of sailing vessel.
    2. Sloop 13

  10. Schooner 12

  11. Frigate 6

  12. Yacht 5

  13. Clipper 4

  14. Sailboat 4

  15. Catamaran 1

  16. Cutter 1

  17. Galleon 1

  18. Ketch 1

  19. Name a South American country that has its own navy.
    3. Argentina 29

  20. Brazil 13

  21. Venezuela 2

  22. Bolivia 1

  23. Chile 1

  24. Colombia 1

  25. Peru 1

  26. Name a naval officer of the World War II era.
    4. Nimitz 25

  27. Halsey 6

  28. Kennedy 4

  29. Yamamoto 3

  30. Donitz 2

  31. Rickover 2

  32. Captain 1

  33. Chief Petty Officer 1

  34. MacArthur 1

  35. Mountbatten 1

  36. pass 1

  37. Ridley 1

  38. Name a type of cargo often carried by ship.
    5. Oil/Petroleum 34

  39. Automobiles 6

  40. Bananas 1

  41. Coal 1

  42. Containers 1

  43. Copra 1

  44. Grain 1

  45. Iron and steel 1

  46. Ore 1

  47. Televisions 1

  48. Name a navigable inland waterway.
    6. Mississippi River 18

  49. St. Lawrence Seaway 11

  50. Panama Canal 7

  51. Erie Canal 2

  52. Great Lakes 2

  53. Hudson River 2

  54. Chesapeake Bay 1

  55. Detroit River 1

  56. Intracoastal Waterway 1

  57. Lake Erie 1

  58. Rhine 1

  59. Tennessee-Tombigbee 1

  60. Other than Somalia, name a country off which modern-day piracy has been reported.
    7. Indonesia 23

  61. Malaysia 3

  62. Yemen 3

  63. China 2

  64. Cuba 2

  65. Philippines 2

  66. Thailand 2

  67. Brazil 1

  68. Guatemala 1

  69. Madagascar 1

  70. North Korea 1

  71. Panama 1

  72. pass1 1

  73. pass2 1

  74. Spain 1

  75. United States 1

  76. Venezuela 1

  77. Vietnam 1

  78. Name a European port city.
    8. Rotterdam 9

  79. London 8

  80. Amsterdam 5

  81. Antwerp 4

  82. Hamburg 4

  83. Calais 3

  84. Liverpool 3

  85. Venice 3

  86. Marseilles 2

  87. Porto 2

  88. Dover 1

  89. Genoa 1

  90. Madeira 1

  91. Portsmouth 1

  92. Rome 1

  93. Name a fictional vessel from literature or the movies.
    9. Pequod 9

  94. Black Pearl 7

  95. Nautilus 7

  96. Caine 4

  97. Flying Dutchman 4

  98. Argo 3

  99. Bounty 3

  100. Poseidon 3

  101. Surprise 3

  102. Dawn Treader 1

  103. Enterprise 1

  104. Good Ship Lollipop 1

  105. Orca 1

  106. SeaQuest 1

  107. Other than the Titanic, name a famous vessel that sank.
    10. Lusitania 36

  108. Maine 5

  109. Bismarck 3

  110. Andrea Doria 2

  111. Edmund Fitzgerald 2

And the winner is ~drumroll~ NDP!! Woo-hoo! :: flings confetti:: NDP got 8/10 right. Good job! Perfect score was 464.58.

Thanks all, and thanks El_Kabong!

Next one up tomorrow…

**1. NDP 435.42 **
2. 42fish 427.08
3. ChockFullOfHeadyGoodness 414.58
4. OtakuLoki 412.50
5. Wargamer 410.42
6. wevets 402.08
7. Baker 395.83
8. swampbear 393.75
9. bibliophage 389.58
10. Jack Batty 381.25
11. want2know 370.83
11. Chronos 370.83
13. Sigmagirl 366.67
13. kenner116 366.67
15. muldoonthief 364.58
15. pravnik 364.58
17. astorian 362.50
18. Dolores Reborn 360.42
19. lawoot 354.17
20. Sublight 352.08
21. 3acresandatruck 347.92
22. Cunctator 341.67
22. El_Kabong 341.67
24. WVmom 316.67
24. Little Nemo 316.67
24. Fretful Porpentine 316.67
27. Queen Tonya 312.50
28. Labdad 297.92
29. rockle 287.50
30. Zebra 283.33
30. bmoak 283.33
32. Sternvogel 275.00
32. notfrommensa 275.00
32. Terminus Est 275.00
32. Pushkin 275.00
36. This’ll Do 270.83
37. jali 252.08
38. Elendil’s Heir 247.92
39. gonzomax 218.75
40. tarragon918 216.67
41. criminey.jicket 212.50
42. Gala Matrix Fire 202.08
43. bink 195.83
44. Harmonious Discord 170.83
45. ShibbOleth 150.00
46. Gangster Octopus 125.00
47. WormTheRed 83.33
48. IvoryTowerDenizen 81.25