The Daily Feud: Besides Feud 2: The Wrath of Karn by Justin_Bailey [Closed]

  1. Horses
  2. Stephen King
  3. Forrest Gump
  4. Pain reliever
  5. Ultra Magnus
  6. Kim Jong Il
  7. Bill Richardson
  8. Louie Anderson
  9. Eggs
  10. Lois
  1. Horses
  2. Stephen King
  3. Schindler’s List
  4. Deoderant
  5. Um…Sparky? (I don’t know from the transformers)
  6. Sarkozy
  7. Pawlenty
  8. Ray Combs
  9. Eggs
  10. Lois
  1. six-gun
  2. Stephen King
  3. Braveheart
  4. floss
  5. Jazz
  6. Stephen Harper
  7. Tim Kaine
  8. Louie Anderson
  9. toilet paper
  10. Lois
  1. Spurs
  2. Stephen King
  3. Forrest Gump
  4. Medicine
  5. Ironhide
  6. Gordon Brown
  7. Bill Richardson
  8. Louis Anderson
  9. Cheese
  10. Lois
  1. Horse

  2. Stephen King

  3. Schindler’s List

  4. Aspirin

  5. Bumblebee

  6. Tony Blair

  7. Pawlenty

  8. Richard Karn

  9. Toilet paper

  10. Because one can never have enough!

  1. horse
  2. Stephen King
  3. Gladiator
  4. medicine
  5. Bumblebee
  6. Angela Merkel
  7. David Paterson
  8. Drew Carey
  9. eggs
  10. Lois
  1. Horse
  2. Poe
  3. Schindler’s List
  4. Asprin
  5. Bumblebee
  6. Gordon Brown
  7. Mike Easly
  8. Louie Anderson
  9. Butter
  10. Meg

That’s 'cause yore momma raised you right! :smiley:

-Rebo (current stock=36 rolls)

re: wha? space?

Somebody asked me to add a space at the bottom of thepost so as not to view the first responder’s post…

  1. Horses
  2. Stephen King
  3. Schindlers List
  4. Toothbrush
  5. Bumblebee
  6. Sarkozy
  7. Jeb Bush?
  8. pass
  9. tp
  10. Louis

Above this is empty space

  1. Boots
  2. Anne Rice
  3. Forrest Gump
  4. Aspirin
  5. Bumblebee
  6. Hugo Chavez
  7. Bill Richardson
  8. John O’Hurley
  9. Toilet paper
  10. Lois

(8 = Conch!)

  1. Bandana
  2. Stephen King
  3. Dances with Wolves
  4. Aspirin
  5. Wheeljack
  6. Nicolas Sarkozy
  7. David Paterson
  8. Richard Karn
  9. Orange juice
  10. Lois
  1. Boots
  2. Edgar Allen Poe
  3. The English Patient
  4. Aspirin
  5. Bumblebee
  6. Gordon Brown
  7. Mike Easley
  8. That guy
  9. Eggs
  10. Herbert the Pervert

  1. Was he an autobot? I never watched Transformers.
  2. When all else fails, go for your own state.
  3. He did that thing.
  4. My favorite character. There’s an ode to him on the Adult Swim website.
  1. Guns
  2. Stephen King
  3. Forrest Gump
  4. Aspirin
  5. Ironhide
  6. Sarkozy
  7. Bill Richardson
  8. Ray Combs
  9. Eggs
  10. Lois
  1. Besides a hat, name something associated with cowboys.

  2. Besides HP Lovecraft, name an influential horror writer.

  3. Besides Titanic, name an Oscar-winning movie from the 90s.

  4. Besides toothpaste, name an item commonly found in a medicine cabinet.

  5. Besides Optimus Prime, name an Autobot from The Transformers.

  6. Besides Vladimir Putin, name a foreign leader.

  7. Besides the Governator, name a currently sitting Governer.

  8. Besides Richard Dawson, name a host of Family Feud.

  9. Besides milk and bread, name an item often purchased while grocery shopping.

  10. Besides Peter, Brian and Stewie, name a character from Family Guy.

  11. boots

  12. Stephen King

  13. “Forrest Gump”

  14. deodorant/anti-perspirant

  15. Bumblebee

  16. Sarkozy

  17. Martin O’Malley

  18. Louie Anderson

  19. eggs

  20. Meg

Okay, confessions - I know nothing about the Autobots! I’m taking a leap of faith with bumblebee, which I heard of from a co-worker whose grandson likes the bumblebee one. O’Malley is the Gov. of MD, and my daughter gave me the answer on #10, because I (sadly?) know nothing of Family Guy either. :smiley:

  1. Cowboy boots
  2. Stephen King
  3. Schindler’s List
  4. Aspirin
  5. Sideswipe
  6. Tony Blair
  7. David Paterson
  8. Richard Karn
  9. Eggs
  10. Lois

*5 Had to look up the list. Picked this one because I used to have him back in the '80s.
*10 I can’t stand this show, so I had to look it up too. I have no idea if she is popular enough to get a lot of guesses.

I just noticed the full title of the thread–which I didn’t do before I made my guess for Family Feud host. I wonder if it will subconsciously (or consciously) influence a lot of others. :slight_smile:

  1. Horse
  2. Poe
  3. Forrest Gump
  4. Aspirin
  5. Ultra Magnus
  6. Hugo Chavez
  7. Bobby Jindal
  8. Louie Anderson
  9. Eggs
  10. Lois
  1. horse
  2. Stephen King
  3. Forrest Gump
  4. aspirin
  5. Ultra Magnus
  6. Sarkozy
  7. Charlie Crist
  8. Richard Karn
  9. eggs
  10. Lois
  1. A horse
  2. Stephen King
  3. Schindler’s List
  4. Aspirin
  5. What?
  6. Stephen Harper
  7. Bill Richardson
  8. Ray Combs
  9. Butter
  10. Lois