The Daily Feud: "Friends" by Elendil's Heir [Game Over]

First place? I don’t know if I should be proud or ashamed of myself.

33 ain’t that bad.

I’d rather be a top dog in the basement than a small fish in the big upstairs pond :wink:

40th in my own feud? Well… no surprise there, I guess.

Thanks, Dolores, yet again for another great feud!

Wow! Tied for third place, my highest score ever! :smiley:
I don’t even mind that the song is echoing through my brain endlessly… so no one told you life was gonna be this way clapclapclapclap*

If we want to watch LOUNE twitch, I’ve got an old Friends trivia game to bring along when you finally make a dopefest. :wink:

I’m just disappointed that “Transpondster” wasn’t the highest scorer for Chandler’s job.

Yeah. Could that BE any lamer?

That’s not even a word!

[Joey]And you call yourself an accountant?[/Joey]

I’m lucky #7. Woohoo!

People may realize but instead want to play the game to win. There aren’t any “wrong” answers as long as you match the most. It’s a feud - not Friends trivia.