The Daily Feud: Heavens to Betsy! by Baker [Game Over]

  1. Heaven is a place on earth
  2. God
  3. Angel
  4. Long white beard
  5. Seventh Heaven
  6. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven
  7. Cloud Nine
  8. God Save The Queen
  9. Wings
  10. Pass

This answer is wrong:

The song’s title is ‘One Of Us’ (this was the first song I thought of as well, but I didn’t put it down because of this).

  1. Heaven is a Place on Earth (Belinda Carlisle)
  2. G-d
  3. Angel
  4. Beard
  5. Heaven sent
  6. Heaven on Earth
  7. Paradise
  8. G-d Bless America
  9. Wings
  10. Heaven Can Wait

And that’s the beauty of this game - even wrong answers count - but only if someone matches you. Which this one won’t, unfortunately. (Mine, of course! ;))

  1. “Tears In Heaven”, Eric Clapton
  2. God
  3. Angel
  4. Beard
  5. Heaven sent
  6. Heaven only knows…
  7. The Pearly Gates
  8. “My Sweet Lord”, George Harrison
  9. Wings
  10. My Blue Heaven

Hey, there was a movie called Seventh Heaven – it featured the first Oscar-winning performance for Best Actress in a Leading Role (Janet Gaynor), and the director and writer also received Academy Awards.

My sentiments as well. If she came across this thread, I wonder if Joan Osborne would be more delighted that so many people thought of her song, or bothered by the fact that its title is so often misquoted…

  1. Heaven

  2. God

  3. Angel

  4. Halo

  5. Heaven knows

  6. Heaven above

  7. The Promised Land

  8. God Bless America

  9. Wings

  10. Heaven Can Wait

  11. by Bryan Adams

ETA: Stairway! :smack:

1. Stairway to Heaven 32

  1. Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door 4
  2. My Blue Heaven 3
  3. Tears in Heaven 3
  4. Heaven Must Be Missing an Angel 2
  5. Heaven (Isn’t Too Far Away) - Warrant 1
  6. Heaven (Must Be There) 1
  7. Heaven by Bryan Adams 1
  8. Heaven by the Talking Heads 1
  9. Pennies from Heaven 1
  10. Rock and Roll Heaven 1

2. God 47
2. St. Peter 2
2. Jehovah 1

3. Angel 49
3. Cherub 1

4. Beard 33
4. Halo 14
4. Booming voice 1
4. Sandals 1
4. White robes 1

5. Seventh heaven 14
5. Good Heavens! 13
5. Heaven sent 8
5. Heaven knows 4
5. Heaven Forbid! 2
5. Heavens no! 2
5. Heavens sake 2
5. Hog Heaven 2
5. by heaven 1
5. Heavens above! 1
5. thank heavens 1

6. For heaven’s sake! 16
6. heaven help us 8
6. Heavens to Murgatroyd 6
6. Good Heavens! 3
6. Seventh Heaven 3
6. Heaven help me! 2
6. A little slice of heaven 1
6. A marriage made in heaven 1
6. All dogs go to heaven 1
6. Feel like I’ve died and gone to Heaven 1
6. Heaven forbid! 1
6. Heaven knows 1
6. Heaven on Earth 1
6. leave her to heaven 1
6. Manna from Heaven 1
6. Oh thank Heaven 1
6. pass 1
6. To move heaven and earth 1

7. Paradise 23
7. The Pearly Gates 19
7. Being in his arms 1
7. Cloud 9 1
7. Eden 1
7. Golden Gates 1
7. Happy Hunting Ground 1
7. The Afterlife 1
7. The Other Side 1
7. Utopia 1

8. God Only Knows 11
8. God Bless America 8
8. What if God Was One of Us 6
8. Dear God 5
8. God Save the Queen 4
8. My Sweet Lord 3
8. God (John Lennon) 2
8. God Damn the Pusher Man (Steppenwolf) 1
8. God defend New Zealand 1
8. God is a DJ 1
8. God made little green apples 1
8. God Shuffled His Feet 1
8. God Song 1
8. Hey, Jesus 1
8. Lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz… 1
8. My God 1
8. Swearin’ to God 1
8. Thank God I’m a Country Boy 1

9. Wings 35
9. Halo 12
9. Harp 2
9. pass 1

10. Heaven Can Wait 32
10. My Blue Heaven 6
10. All Dogs go to Heaven 5
10. Heaven’s Gate 2
10. Kingdom of Heaven 2
10. 7th Heaven 1
10. As it is in Heaven 1
10. Pennies from Heaven 1

And the winner is ~drumroll~ Baker!! Wow! It’s unusual to win your own Feud. :: flings confetti:: Good job! Baker got 8/10 right. Very good! Perfect score was 584.00.

Thanks everyone, and thanks Baker!

New one up in a bit.

1. Baker 566.00
2. Jack Batty 562.00
3. anyrose 554.00
3. astorian 554.00
5. 42fish 548.00
5. This’ll Do 548.00
7. pravnik 546.00
8. MadTheSwine 542.00
9. bibliophage 536.00
10. wheresgeorge04 532.00
11. drm 530.00
12. Sigmagirl 518.00
13. ChockFullOfHeadyGoodness 510.00
14. El_Kabong 502.00
15. Cunctator 496.00
16. Bayard 494.00
17. Fretful Porpentine 492.00
17. kenner116 492.00
17. Happy Lendervedder 492.00
17. N. Sane 492.00
21. twickster 486.00
22. swampbear 484.00
23. The Tof 482.00
24. delphica 472.00
25. gonzomax 470.00
26. want2know 468.00
27. Dolores Reborn 466.00
28. Monstera deliciosa 460.00
29. Spoons 456.00
30. bink 440.00
30. Gangster Octopus 440.00
32. Sternvogel 438.00
32. InvisibleWombat 438.00
32. Queen Tonya 438.00
35. MsWhatsit 424.00
35. brownie55 424.00
37. Hoopy Frood 420.00
38. notfrommensa 414.00
39. WormTheRed 408.00
39. Really Not All That Bright 408.00
41. MissMossie 406.00
42. Biffy the Elephant Shrew 402.00
43. jali 396.00
44. Tengu 388.00
45. Freudian Slit 372.00
46. ShibbOleth 356.00
47. OtakuLoki 348.00
48. 3acresandatruck 322.00
49. fisha 262.00
50. tarragon918 168.00


Number 2.

And I’m not even religious.

Fun feud – and WTG, sis!

Thanks for a fun feud – and thanks, as always, to the lovely and talented Dolores for running it.

8 out of 10 top answers, one of the two remaining was the second top answer, and I still only got 7th. Man, these are getting competitive!

Ouch! Last place! :smiley: Well, at least there’s no lower I can go, right?

Well, you can get so used to being in, or near, the last place that you get jealous when some other misfit sneaks in there and steals that spot from you! :wink:

I can’t believe I won this one. I’ve been languishing a lot further down lately!:stuck_out_tongue:

Whoa–I’m not doing well lately. Good thing I didn’t go with the first “Heaven” song that popped into my head for Question 1: “Heaven on the Seventh Floor,” by Paul Nicholas. Still, a fun Feud–thanks Dolores and Baker!

I don’t know what it says about me that I did much better on the “Hell” feud than on this one.