The Daily Feud: Kid Stuff by Jali [Closed]

  1. Snow White
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. Spongebob Squarepants
  4. Hasbro
  5. Mister Potato Head
  6. A video game system
  7. GI Joe
  8. Barbie
  9. Twinkies
  10. M&Ms
  1. Cinderella
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. Spongebob Squarepants
  4. Mattel
  5. Barbie
  6. Bicycle
  7. G.I. Joe
  8. Barbie
  9. Twinkie
  10. Gummi Bears

3. Is that on Saturday morning? It’s the only post-1990 cartoon I could think of.

  1. Cinderealla
  2. Penny
  3. Pokemon
  4. Hasbro
  5. Tickle Me Elmo
  6. Toy train
  7. He-Man (I know I’m dating myself)
  8. Cabbage Patch Kids
  9. Twinkies
  10. Starburst
  1. Cinderella
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. Pokemon
  4. Hasbro
  5. Tickle Me Elmo
  6. XBox360
  7. GI Joe
  8. Barbi
  9. Cupcake
  10. Gummi Bears
  1. Sleeping Beauty
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. Spongebob Squarepants
  4. Mattell
  5. Tickle Me Elmo Doll
  6. Bicycle
  7. GI Joe
  8. Barbie
  9. Twinkies
  10. Chocolate
  1. Snow White
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. Spongebob Squarepants
  4. Matell
  5. Bratz
  6. Pony!
  7. Action Man
  8. Cabbage doll
  9. PJ Sandwich
  10. Hershey

Ok… let’s see how well I do at this one considering I neither have kids nor live in the US :wink:

Probably just as well as always :frowning:

  1. Cinderella
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. Kim Possible
  4. Hasbro
  5. Elmo
  6. Wii
  7. GI Joe
  8. Barbie
  9. Twinkies
  10. Gummi Bears
  1. Cinderella
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. The Smurfs
  4. Hasbro
  5. Legos
  6. Barbie Dream House
  7. GI Joe
  8. Cabbage Patch Kid
  9. jelly donut?
  10. jelly beans
  1. Sleeping Beauty
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. Spongebob Square Pants
  4. Mattel
  5. blocks
  6. bicycle
  7. GI Joe
  8. Barbie
  9. cookie
  10. Tootsie pop
  1. Cinderella
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. SpongeBob SquarePants
  4. Mattell
  5. Bicycle
  6. Pony
  7. GI Joe
  8. Barbie
  9. Twinkies
  10. Pixie Stix
  1. Cinderella

  2. Nancy Drew

  3. Animaniacs

  4. Mattel

  5. Hot Wheels

  6. EZ Bake Oven

  7. G.I. Joe

  8. Barbie

  9. Twinkie

  10. Sour Patch Kids

  11. Nancy will get the conch, but I always preferred Trixie Belden when I was a kid.

  12. Was this on Saturday mornings?

  1. Cinderella
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. Spongebob Squarepants
  4. Mattel
  5. Tickle me Elmo
  6. Playstation 3
  7. GI Joe
  8. Barbie
  9. Twinkies
  10. Sour Patch Kids


  1. Snow White
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. Batman
  4. Mattel
  5. radio control cars
  6. video game console
  7. GI Joe
  8. Barbie
  9. Twinkies
  10. gummi everything
  1. Cinderella
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. X-Men
  4. Mattel
  5. Barbie doll
  6. Game console (Wii, Playstation, XBox, that sort of thing)
  7. G I Joe
  8. Barbie
  9. Oreo
  10. M & M
  1. Cinderella
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. X-men
  4. Hasbro
  5. Transformers
  6. Tickle Me Elmo
  7. G. I. Joe
  8. Barbie
  9. Goldfish
  10. Kit Kat

Heh, not living in the US is really kicking my butt. X-men: The Animated Series was popular when I was a pre-teen, but I guess people have moved on. I didn’t even know kids ate Twinkies (I don’t remember them from my childhood at all). M&Ms I should have gotten, though. I recall many a primary school lunch break trading away my green Ms…

  1. Cinderella
  2. Drew
  3. Bugs Bunny
  4. Tonka
  5. Erector set
  6. Computer games
  7. GI Joe
  8. Barbie
  9. Twinkies
  10. Skittles
  1. Cinderella
  2. Nancy Drew
  3. Batman
  4. Mattel
  5. hot wheels
  6. beebee gun
  7. GI Joe
  8. Barbie
  9. Twinkie
  10. Nerds


I’ve got seven and I can’t think of one, but I have a good excuse - Saturday mornings mean no TV in an Orthodox Jewish household.

Isn’t GI Joe and Action Man the same?

Or did I just play with both types… hmm…?