- Snow White
- Nancy Drew
- Spongebob Squarepants
- Hasbro
- Mister Potato Head
- A video game system
- GI Joe
- Barbie
- Twinkies
- M&Ms
- Cinderella
- Nancy Drew
- Spongebob Squarepants
- Mattel
- Barbie
- Bicycle
- G.I. Joe
- Barbie
- Twinkie
- Gummi Bears
3. Is that on Saturday morning? It’s the only post-1990 cartoon I could think of.
- Cinderealla
- Penny
- Pokemon
- Hasbro
- Tickle Me Elmo
- Toy train
- He-Man (I know I’m dating myself)
- Cabbage Patch Kids
- Twinkies
- Starburst
- Cinderella
- Nancy Drew
- Pokemon
- Hasbro
- Tickle Me Elmo
- XBox360
- GI Joe
- Barbi
- Cupcake
- Gummi Bears
- Sleeping Beauty
- Nancy Drew
- Spongebob Squarepants
- Mattell
- Tickle Me Elmo Doll
- Bicycle
- GI Joe
- Barbie
- Twinkies
- Chocolate
- Snow White
- Nancy Drew
- Spongebob Squarepants
- Matell
- Bratz
- Pony!
- Action Man
- Cabbage doll
- PJ Sandwich
- Hershey
Ok… let’s see how well I do at this one considering I neither have kids nor live in the US
Probably just as well as always
- Cinderella
- Nancy Drew
- Kim Possible
- Hasbro
- Elmo
- Wii
- GI Joe
- Barbie
- Twinkies
- Gummi Bears
- Cinderella
- Nancy Drew
- The Smurfs
- Hasbro
- Legos
- Barbie Dream House
- GI Joe
- Cabbage Patch Kid
- jelly donut?
- jelly beans
- Sleeping Beauty
- Nancy Drew
- Spongebob Square Pants
- Mattel
- blocks
- bicycle
- GI Joe
- Barbie
- cookie
- Tootsie pop
- Cinderella
- Nancy Drew
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- Mattell
- Bicycle
- Pony
- GI Joe
- Barbie
- Twinkies
- Pixie Stix
Nancy Drew
Hot Wheels
EZ Bake Oven
G.I. Joe
Sour Patch Kids
Nancy will get the conch, but I always preferred Trixie Belden when I was a kid.
Was this on Saturday mornings?
- Cinderella
- Nancy Drew
- Spongebob Squarepants
- Mattel
- Tickle me Elmo
- Playstation 3
- GI Joe
- Barbie
- Twinkies
- Sour Patch Kids
- Snow White
- Nancy Drew
- Batman
- Mattel
- radio control cars
- video game console
- GI Joe
- Barbie
- Twinkies
- gummi everything
- Cinderella
- Nancy Drew
- X-Men
- Mattel
- Barbie doll
- Game console (Wii, Playstation, XBox, that sort of thing)
- G I Joe
- Barbie
- Oreo
- M & M
- Cinderella
- Nancy Drew
- X-men
- Hasbro
- Transformers
- Tickle Me Elmo
- G. I. Joe
- Barbie
- Goldfish
- Kit Kat
Heh, not living in the US is really kicking my butt. X-men: The Animated Series was popular when I was a pre-teen, but I guess people have moved on. I didn’t even know kids ate Twinkies (I don’t remember them from my childhood at all). M&Ms I should have gotten, though. I recall many a primary school lunch break trading away my green Ms…
- Cinderella
- Drew
- Bugs Bunny
- Tonka
- Erector set
- Computer games
- GI Joe
- Barbie
- Twinkies
- Skittles
- Cinderella
- Nancy Drew
- Batman
- Mattel
- hot wheels
- beebee gun
- GI Joe
- Barbie
- Twinkie
- Nerds
I’ve got seven and I can’t think of one, but I have a good excuse - Saturday mornings mean no TV in an Orthodox Jewish household.
Isn’t GI Joe and Action Man the same?
Or did I just play with both types… hmm…?