The dirt on Christopher Reeve?

Am I really the first to link to

John Ritter thought Reeve was picking up on his girlfriend, Carol Burnett, once, but it was just a misunderstanding. They were just having a nice long conversation in her hotel room.

He had an unhingeable jaw which he used for swallowing large prey. He tried to devour his own young. Some may call that assholishness. I see it in context - nature is beautiful but merciless. The stronger offspring survived.

Now? A lot stiffer.

Wrong “Super”.

Thank you! Someone had to say it. He’s as bland as wallpaper paste. Seriously.

Not at all true. I used to work on a horse farm around the corner from where the accident occured, and both train and teach in the same sport. Reeve was considered well skilled, well horsed, and well instructed for his level. (Which was Training Level in the sport of Eventing.) He had been riding seriously for over 6 years and trained with some of the top instructors in the U.S. He had also placed third in a regional championship in the fall of 1994.

He had a freak accident. His horse, Eastern Express refused jump three, which was very unusual behavior for this horse who was never known to stop. Reeve went forward, over the horse’s neck, his hands tangled in the reins, and he fell with his full weight on his head. He was wearing approved (and required) safety gear, namely a concussion-absorbing helmet and a body-protection vest. He took his sport and safety seriously.

Annie, change your gender and go back in time and then get back to us!

No, that was another one of his movies…

I saw that play too! But I just had him sign the playbill.

At the time, his SO was Gae Exton, with whom he had 2 children. When asked in interviews at the time why they didn’t marry, he gave the standard, “We don’t need a piece of paper to show we’re together.” Obviously, Ms. Exton bought the line. Later he left her for, AND MARRIED Dana, who was, IIRC the nanny or babysitter for the kids. And that’s the worst I’ve heard about him. Sure was good-looking, though. sigh

That needn’t be jerkish. How many times do you think he had heard that lame joke?

Any chance you’ll clue us in as to what the hell you’re talking about, here?

I heard from a friend who heard it from her hair stylist who heard it from his boyfriend whose cousin was a waiter at a club in Boston where Christopher Reeve’s cousin worked that before the accident and whenever the horse wasn’t available he used to ride homeless people and make them jump fences, and when they didn’t clear one correctly he had them shot.

Shoot. If I’d had any indication whatsoever he was hitting on me (he certainly was not), I’d go back in time and take him up on the offer.

The boat rag story is in post 132 in the “What celebrities are bastards?” thread.

Well, who doesn’t?