The Exorcist (original): a few questions

It’s bad.

Take a look at the original trailer for The Exorcist. It was deemed too frightening, and never released to theaters. They were right.

Holy shit! I can say, without exageration, that’s the most frightening thing I’ve ever seen.

Too frightening? It looks like a rough cut of images that hasn’t been spliced into a coherent trailer yet. I’m sure glad the film didn’t bludgeon you over the head with Azuzu’s face like this does.

I’ve seen the faces. Where are the bees and the non-reflective mirror.

I could be wrong on this, but I believe Father Merrin had originally tangled with Pazuzu in Africa, not Iraq. Father Karros’ superior says something to the effect of “He performed an exorcism on the mission field. In Africa, I think. Took nearly six weeks, nearly cost him his life.”

What’s an Iraqi demon doing in Africa, you ask? My take on it is that the African demon and Pazuzu are one and the same; just that in Iraq he’s given a different name and different form (the winged beast with the big Johnson).

Anyway, that bit about him battling a demon in Africa probably explains the African location for the current film.

True, but the thing about the new movie is that the statue and the small demon’s head are left behind in Africa, the location of the movie. But Merrin and his team come across them in Iraq in the first movie.

In the new movie, Merrin drops it and the camera lingers on it for a few seconds as sand quickly covers it.

Aveguy mentioned the non-reflective mirror being just above the stairs. There are quite a few scenes there in that area at the top of the stairs. I had thought there were more, like one in the living room, but I don’t know.

The angry bees are a background noise in some of the scenes. I have no idea which ones in particular, but probably it’s when the “demon” acts up.

Sorry I can’t be more specific than that. It’s been years since I’ve seen this movie, and I don’t want to see it again. It was creepy when I first saw it and I still think it’s disturbing but now it’s the idea that a mentally disturbed girl would be tied to her bed for weeks while some old men throw water at her that gives me the heebie-jeebies.