The Feud: 4 Letter Words by notfrommensa [game over]

  1. bowl
  2. desk
  3. horn
  4. tree
  5. Ohio
  6. file
  7. ball
  8. milk
  9. desk
  10. fish
  1. Sink
  2. Beer
  3. Door
  4. Bird
  5. Ohio
  6. Desk
  7. Ball
  8. Beer
  9. Book
  10. Fish
  1. sink
  2. desk
  3. hood
  4. tree
  5. Ohio
  6. desk
  7. ball
  8. Coke
  9. desk
  10. fish

My answer to #10 is actually plural. I FLOUT your red rule! And yes, “desk” three times.

  1. Sink
  2. Desk
  3. Tire
  4. Bird
  5. Iowa
  6. Desk
  7. Beer
  8. Milk
  9. Desk
  10. Fish
    OK, so I used “desk” thrice, but it seemed to fit well for all of them.

What on Earth made me think more people would say Iowa than Ohio? Ah, well, it’s not a complete runaway.

  1. sink
  2. desk
  3. tire
  4. bird
  5. lake
  6. desk
  7. ball
  8. beer
  9. desk
  10. fish

I see a lot of other people put “desk” multiple times, but many people are putting state names for #5. Rats.

Probably the same thing that made me say “hood” instead of “tire”.

  1. sink
  2. desk
  3. door
  4. tree
  5. Ohio
  6. desk
  7. ball
  8. food
  9. desk
  10. fish
  1. sink
  2. desk
  3. tire
  4. tree
  5. Ohio
  6. desk
  7. ball
  8. soda
  9. desk
  10. fish

No rule against repeats, right?



I’m guessing we have a winner here.

  1. fork
  2. desk
  3. tire
  4. bird
  5. iowa
  6. desk
  7. ball
  8. beer
  9. desk
  10. fish
  1. milk
  2. beer
  3. tire
  4. bird
  5. Ohio
  6. file
  7. ball
  8. coke
  9. desk
  10. orca

I say no fish conch! None for you!

Solidarity, kaylasdad!

Now, now. Clam down. :smiley:

  1. oven
  2. book
  3. hood
  4. bird
  5. Iowa
  6. cube
  7. ball
  8. food
  9. desk
  10. fish
  1. oven
  2. desk
  3. hood
  4. tree
  5. road
  6. desk
  7. ball
  8. beer
  9. desk
  10. fish
  1. Fork
  2. Girl
  3. Horn
  4. Bird
  5. Ohio
  6. Desk
  7. Team
  8. Beer
  9. Desk
  10. Boat
  1. in a kitchen

  2. in a dorm-room

  3. part of a car

  4. something you might see on a nature hike

  5. found on a map of the United States

  6. in the office

  7. at a sporting event

  8. at a convenience store

  9. in a classroom

  10. in the ocean

  11. oven

  12. lamp

  13. tyre
    4 tree
    5 Ohio
    6 desk
    7 ball
    8 till
    9 desk
    10 fish

  1. fork
  2. desk
  3. door
  4. tree
  5. Ohio
  6. desk
  7. ball
  8. milk
  9. desk
  10. fish