The Feud: Sesame Street by Chronos [Game Over]

  1. Elmo
  2. Big Bird
  3. Miss Piggy
  4. Theme from Sesame Street
  5. Only Big Bird sees Snuffalupagus
  6. Pinball Machine counts to 12
  7. Gordon
  8. The Electric Company
  9. Bats
  10. Si
  1. Cookie Monster
  2. Big Bird
  3. Miss Piggy
  4. the theme song
  5. Ernie and Bert
  6. Pinball Number Count
  7. Bob
  8. The Electric Company
  9. Bats
  10. Cerrado
  1. Kermit
  2. Big Bird
  3. Fozie Bear
  4. Rubber Duckie
  5. Kermit as reporter
  6. Teeny Little Super Guy
  7. Gordon
  8. Curious George
  9. snowflakes
  10. agua

True fact: The Count’s favorite TV show is 24.

  1. Elmo
  2. Big Bird
  3. Animal
  4. Rubber Duckie
  5. Sesame Street News Flash
  6. Pinball 12
  7. Bob
  8. Electric Company
  9. Bats
  10. Adios

#5 - my second pick is Grover and the blue guy. “I get this ding-a-ling every time I come in here.”
#7 - Almost answered Mister Looper…Hooper! Hooper!

Look who you’re competing against! Many of us are too. :smiley:

  1. Kermit the Frong
  2. Big Bird
  3. Animal
  4. Rubber Ducky
  5. The Count counting things
  6. The pinball “12” sequence
  7. Gordon
  8. The Electric Company
  9. Bats
  10. Uno
  1. Elmo
  2. Big Bird
  3. Gonzo
  4. Rubber Duckie
  5. What’s My Line? spoof
  6. Capital “I”
  7. Bob
  8. Barney & Friends
  9. cookies
  10. abierto
  1. Kermit
  2. Big Bird
  3. Miss Piggy
  4. Manamana
  5. Sss. Kit. Skit.
  6. Letterman
  7. Bob
  8. The Electric Company
  9. bats
  10. Via
  1. Kermit
  2. Big Bird
  3. Miss Piggy
  4. Theme Song
  5. Reporter Kermit
  6. pinball 12
  7. Gordon
  8. Electric Company
  9. bats!
  10. Si
  1. Ernie
  2. Big Bird
  3. Gonzo
  4. Rubber Ducky
  5. Guy Smiley’s game shows
  6. Pinball counting
  7. Gordon
  8. The Electric Company
  9. Blocks
  10. Agua
  1. Grover
  2. Big Bird
  3. Miss Piggy
  4. C is for Cookie
  5. Monsterpiece Theater
  6. Chickens in The Trees
  7. Gordon
  8. Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood
  9. Bats
  10. Hola

Fretful Porpentine is #41.

  1. Elmo
  2. Mr. Snuffaluppagus
  3. Miss Piggy
  4. “Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz” (The one wondering what that word means)
  5. The one with the pasty chef falling down the stairs
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 twe-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-elve!
  7. Gordon
  8. Mr. Rogers Nieghborhood
  9. Lightning bolts
  10. Abierto!

My answer to #6 would probably have been better expressed as the pinball count. But that’s what I meant.


  1. Elmo
  2. Big Bird
  3. Fozzie Bear
  4. One of these things is not like the others
  5. The counting thing that always end with a pastry chef tumbling down stairs
  6. Ladybug’s Picnic
  7. Maria
  8. Zoom
  9. lightening bolts
  10. Hóla
  1. Kermit
  2. big bird
  3. miss piggy
  4. rubber duckie
  5. bert and ernie
  6. pinball number count
  7. Mr. Hooper
  8. Mr. Rodger’s Neighborhood
  9. cookies
  10. abierto
  1. Oscar the Grouch

  2. Big Bird

  3. Kermit the Frog

  4. “People Just Like You”

  5. Count Count counting stuff

  6. Alphabet letters coming alive

  7. Mr. Hooper

  8. Dora the Explorer

  9. People going by

  10. Bueno

  11. Conch!

  12. First I wrote it, then I said it. :wink:


I guess we’re up to 45.

My answer to “name another PBS Kids show” goes to show what we’ve been saying — too much insider knowledge is fatal in these feuds. Curious George is PBS Kids’ top-rated children’s show, and I appear to be the only person who answered it!

That may be - but I grew up with Sesame Street, Electric Company, and Zoom. And it’s a reasonable guess that the latter two will be near the top of that list.