This year has been insane for me, as far as fleas go. I first tried Frontline, which did no good. Then I tried Promeris, which smelled very strongly of eucalyptus. No good. Then I tried Comfortis, the oral med. No help. This month I tried Advantage, which seems to be doing better than anything.

My problem is my dogs have a hundred acres to roam on. No treating that! I don’t have carpet, so that’s good. Jake the dobie developed raw patches on his back where he was trying so scratch so much. Poor Pat, the white and liver emglish setter had the worst infestation. I think they like the light-coloured dog best. And it’s also been a horrible year for flies with the horses.

Good luck!


We’ve had some flea problems this year and we don’t even have any inside pets! Grrr.