The Global Theorem & The logic of unification

S/he was being cute, but her points were for the most part quite valid criticisms of your paper. You would do well to take them under advisement. S/he took a very constructive approach, finding what could be insightful in your paper and explaining how you can bring this insight to the fore more clearly. It would be your loss if you ignored the comments–even if she did intersperse them with some cheekiness. Cheekiness is the order of the day around here, you have to realize.


Hey Freylock I’ll probably be banned tomorrow because I honestly don’t give a shit at this point. Glad you wasted your time on reading to whole thing because it doesn’t matter at all. That’s the funny thing about this forum, it’s a pointless medium for pointless ideas postulated by people with too much time on their hands.

It’s also laughable that all I have to do is say I wrote the best piece in the universe, and don’t get me wrong I still think it’s the best, and you all come flying down to feed your vast egos because you can’t stand to be wrong or have someone else proclaim mental superiority. Your fucking egos are greater than the number of decimals in Pi.

I would love to debate you because you are wrong in pretty much everything you just wrote but once again the administration are a bunch of pussies with inflated egoes.

Peace out.

One more thing: The only question that can really silence the majority of you people is “who here has a Bachelor’s degree or higher?”

Believe me I have asked it before. Irony at its best.


Dammit dude, just write to the admins and say “oopsie, sorry about that!” You didn’t know you were breaking a rule. They’ll work it out with you easily. (I’m pretty sure.)

And then come back and answer my response. If you want a fight we can fight, but the point is really to help you show what needs to be done to clarify your writing (and so your thoughts) about this kind of stuff.

I’m pretty sure you’ve only had comments on this piece from one professional philosopher, and that is never, ever enough. You need to get comments from several people, and you need to wrestle with them.


Just goes to show the intrinsic worthlessness of a degree.


That´s beautiful, you made my day. :smiley:

No, it’s more a matter of you writing obvious nonsense. Telepathy ? Yeah, right.

Suicide by mod ? I have a sneaking suspicion your future plans including boasting to your friends about how you were banned from the SDMB because we failed to recognize your greatness.

Or like you did in your OP, try to do so and fail.

You know that scene in Indian Jones where the guy with the swords flails around in front of Indy, then Indy simply shoots him?
