The Greatest Cities in the World

Montreal… in the Summer anyway

Am I the ONLY one who’s been to Kyoto?

There’s a small city/large town called “Phuket Town”, which is hardly memorable. You were probably on the beach side, the one that got wiped out by the tsunami. That’s a series of beach towns which run along the coast. Fun, perhaps, but I hardly would call any of them a “great city”.

I have never been there, but would like to visit.

Swap it for Dublin, then. Never been there, either.

SF fits all these criteria as well, especially in past decades.

Christchurch certainly is a city, and a lovely one at that.

I have a particular fondness for Liverpool.

Out of curiousity, what would make you name Houston over San Antonio, apart from its slight size advantage?

Las Vegas

Hands down the best. :cool:

This is at the top of my list, and though I’m as close as I’ve ever been geographically, I doubt my pocketboot will ever get me there. sigh

I hear the trout fishing is FANTASTIC.

No way. Yes, I love Kyoto, and have been there many a time, (and agree that Kyoto has all the above attributes, plus more) but Tokyo is the greater city. It is big and crowded, but there is a power there which other cities in Japan can’t match.

Difficulty of getting around is a relative term. Pity the poor tourist who visits LA but can’t drive.