The Incredibles 2 officially announced

Sorry, but having the spirit of a Brigadoon story is very different than what they did with Cars. That’s Pixar’s MO though-- I can’t think a really original concept they’ve done. They do it REALLY well for the most part so we forgive them… Cars wasn’t good so it’s easily dismissed as being a retread of nearly forgotten Michael J Fox movie.

Based on the Toy Story sequels and Brad Bird I’m hopeful. Based on Cars 2 and Planes (and my expectations for Planes 2 and eventually Boats and then Trains, which due to the limited mobility of living on tracks will be a retelling of the Born on the 4th July story) I’m not hopeful.

But all things being equal I’d really prefer they not do sequels and focus on doing original stuff. I’d rather a failure trying to do something new than a failure making a sequel.

Wait, what? Up, Wall-E and Ratatouille don’t count as original concepts to you? I’m sure you’ll say that they each fit into some broad archetype, but by that standard, nothing is original.

Cars was actually less successful at the box office than most Pixar movies. What it did accomplish was letting the Disney corporation sell a lot of toys. Likewise Cars 2 and Planes.

But on the sequel to The Incredibles, I’m with Chronos and Rodgers: I see no reason why it can’t be good.

I don’t see a problem writing an Incredibles sequel. The first movie was about Bob Parr’s struggle with “retirement”, everything else fell out from that. The next one can be about the kids growing up as supers. Violet is graduating high school, Dash is in high school now, Jack-Jack is 4-5 years old (and has crazy powers we don’t understand yet). Lots of potential for a story.

I’m hopeful Bird can do a great job with it, but cautious because I adored The Incredibles but later loathed Ratatouille.

Planes was not made by Pixar, it was made by Disney itself.

I actually haven’t seen Wall-E so I can’t comment on that one, but congratulations you picked the TWO Pixar movies that maybe the most original–BUT…,were you aware that elements of UP might actually be a straight up rip off of a french student film–Did The French Short Film Above Then Beyond Inspire Pixar's Up?

Just off the top of my head: the kids start dating, and the parents have to adjust their own attitudes. And of course at least one of the kids’ love interests turns out to be a budding supervillain.

What made The Incredibles so great (for me, at least) was the conflict in Mr. Incredible between his seemingly mundane family life and his desire to leave his mark on the world. Pretty much anyone beyond the age of 25 or 30 can identify with that. The superpowers and awesome story-line were a huge factor in making it a great movie, but without the additional hook, it would have been a fun movie, good for a diversion, but not particularly memorable.

As long as they can come up with a new hook that makes it more than the continuing adventures of a superfamily, there is the potential for a great sequel. As squeegee and Sailboat suggested, teenage kids are a good suggestion - both from the kids’ perspective of being in high school, and the parents’ perspective of raising teenagers. Brad Bird gives me hope they’ll do something good with it.

Think they’ll give Frozone an eyepatch?

I’d settle for Frozone monologuing before he freezes Syndrome into an icecube: “…And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers!”

“Hand me my super suit. It’s the one that says ‘Bad Mother…uh…Lover’ on it.”


Unfortunately, the “Super Family” wasn’t the most interesting part of the film’s universe. A crucial part,yes,…but not that interesting of one,IMO. With Syndrome desire for revenge and Mr. Incredible’s longing for his “glory days” being removed as main conflicts in the story, there really wasn’t much “there.”

Perhaps they can do something with a new story. However, if Cars 2 is any indication, they stick with what “worked” before instead of something new and daring.

Apples and oranges.

***Toy Story 2 ***had different characters used a in completely different manner. Making that comparison is like saying just because The Godfather II was an excellent story, then a Goodfellas II would have been the same. They were both similar films; however beyond being about gangsters (as the Pixar films are about animated universes) they had little in common.

Could it work?
Will it work?
I have my doubts,especially since so much time has passed.

With the time gap since the sequel, it could be about everyone entering the next stages of life: Dash starting college, Violet married with her first kids, and Bob and Helen facing being grandparents with an emptier nest with Jack-Jack as a tween.

The setting would also move up to around the mid-80s, which could be fun. I liked the 70s shout-outs. I’d hate to lose the score in the sequel because it was fantastic; the first I’ve bothered to buy in a 20 years.

Actually, the first film was supposed to be set in the late 1960s if the dress of the characters and the vehicles were supposed to be believed.

I pegged the story was the supers being driven underground during the era of McCarthyism (mid-50s) and the story picking up again 15 years later (early 70s), mostly keying off of Frozone putting on Hai Karate in one scene. Turns out HK was released in 1967, so late 60s is indeed plausible.

Presumably the Parrs (and Frozone) wouldn’t remain the only supers on the street for long. Syndrome killed a lot of them - maybe all of them barring the above - and there could be a new generation of supers growing up with no role models except Mr Incredible, Frozone and Elastigirl. Imagine a lot of inexperienced people with superpowers trying to help and making things worse, and the elders out of their depth trying to control the next generation. There’s a story there too.

Cautiously optimistic if Brad Bird is on board. Let’s just hope it doesn’t become the Edna Mole show.

I wonder if Disney would acquire Mysery Men from Universal and incorporate them as a prequel to their movie. Mr. Incredible training Captain Amazing and Edna Mode helping Dr. Heller get started could be fun.

IYO what movie in the last ten years had an original premise?

That’s kinda’ funny because I found the family dynamics to be very much part of the enjoyment. Violet’s super power is that she can disappear and as a teenager that’s all she wants to do. But when she becomes confident in her power she becomes more visible in real life.