The "Jar-Jar-Binks" of Star Trek??

I thought he was an inter-dimention traveling Pedophile!
The Traveler: Wesley, come here for your next lesson!
Wesley: Why is it so dark in here? And do i have to wear this leather suit and the whip cre-EEEAAAAMMM?

I like Kes. She had an undeniable sweetness about her.

I’m tempted to mention someone from Star Trek : Andromeda, but none of them are really annoying. In fact, I’d say that Seamus Harper is Wesley Crusher done right.

[sub]And yes, I do know that it’s not really a Star Trek series.[/sub]

Can I nominate the entire crew of Voyager? Every one of them bugged the bejeezus out of me. I’m also really not fond of Deanna Troi, but I wouldn’t put her on Jar-Jar’s level.

Anyone who didn’t immediatlely think of DS9’s Rom for this topic has obviously forgotten how gratingly obnoxious the Jar Jar character was. Because Rom was 10 times as bad.

I pity Max Grodenchik. I pity anyone whom I loathe so deeply and persistently. (Luckily, I don’t loathe Max, only the character he was punished with, er, cast as.)

The final episodes of DS9 are kind of a blur to me but… Didn’t Rom end up being the new Nagus? Nice to see Behr & Beimler were aware that the character was nothing but a joke.

The only good thing I can say about Rom: he married Leeta, thus minimizing the number of scenes with each character, since they were more likely to be in the same scene together. More time for Grumpy to leave the room.

I’ll admit that Rom could be cloyingly annoying… but he had his charms. I found Leeta to be a needless distraction, though.

The movie you’re looking for, then is Toy Soldiers, where you get to see Wesley machine-gunned by terrorists.

Very satisfying.

Oh crap, I had completely forgotten about THAT annoying little troll. Worf should have beaten him with the blunt end of a Bat`leth until he resembled an under-cooked blood pie.

So, is she going to reprise her one-shot TNG role as Robin Lefler, or is she just going to be some woman he met somewhere?

I’m sure he sleeps better at night knowing that.

He might have been, had he had any character at all. I mean, how much development can you really do with an omnipotent galactic jerk? Exactly none. He served no purpose as a character, and did nothing good for any of the plots.

I rather enjoyed his pointing out that Worf had just discovered opposable thumbs.

Whether a plot device in discovering the Borg, the antagonist in Journey to Farpoint or the protagonist in the episode where one of the Q wanted to die-that might have been Voyager-I thought him a very interesting character. Even the last appearance where Delancey admitted the character was used up was good. Just seeing Delancy deliver the lines “Oh, I wish you could see your faces…oh, but wait, you can!” <poof> mirrors was better than most stuff on the wasteland of TV.