The King sits upon the throne...

I wholeheartedly recommend these as part of any basic KICO (“Knowledge In, Corn-kernels Out”) plan. Equally great, but not as plentiful (there are only three) are the Great American Bathroom Books- they give two page synopses of books from ancient texts (Gilgamesh, Illiad, etc.) to classics (David Copperfield, To Kill a Mockingbird) to self help (Tony Robbins, Dr. Laura Schitslinger) to pulp fiction (Grisham, Clancy) etc… They’re great for letting you know which books you’d like to read full text sometime when you’re more constipated.

At any given time, I have four books going at once – one for reading when lounging at home, one in the car for when I find I’m somewhere that requires any kind of wait, one at work for when I have free time, and yes, one in the bathroom.

I keep my “home” and “bathroom” books seperate, 'cause sometimes…ya know…you gotta go right now, and I don’t want to take to time to find my “home” book when that happens.

I keep a little hand held electronic Yahtzee game on the back of the toilet. The time it takes for a game or two usually works out about perfect.

Well, see, that’s the thing. And this IS TMI: I take a long time. Sometimes, a real long time.
I’ll start a BM, and mid-shove, it just stops. And so, there I sit, with nothing but time on my hands. Unless, of course, I have a good book. Fiction, non-fiction, biographies, short stories, poetry… hell, I don’t care. It’s all grist for the mill. And when I’m done, I attend to my business and the book goes back on the tank, 'til next time.
Used to read in the bath too, but after ruining a couple of paperbacks I stopped. Too much respect for my many-paged friends.
And don’t get me started on Gameboy…

I am not ashamed to admit I read on the throne.

The back of a toothpaste tube, here.

I’m nuts; I constantly must have words in front of me. I often pick up a magazine and read when I pee. It’s only a few sentences, but I do it anyway.

Oh, yes. I’ve converted the bulk of my towel cabinet into a bookshelf. Mainly magazines and 000-type material reside there, such as Rolling Stone’s Rock and Roll Encyclopedia. I also have a farmer’s almanac hanging on a nail in there.

I’ve also been known to take the practice pad in there and perfect my flamadiddles (and any other rudiment needing perfecting, i.e., all of them). It sounds nice in there, as well.

I guess looking in the bathroom for a book when I need to look up information is a sign of something…

I go through more laptops that way.
Nah, actually, I’m not a bathroom reader, unless it’s a public toilet and I’m reading the poetry, invitations for sex, the comments of people reading the invitations for sex, and the comments about the comments of people reading the invitations for sex. And little drawings of Kilroy.

Nope, don’t read in the toidy. Some of you people have mentioned how long some of your reading material has been in there. Haven’t you read any of Cecil’s columns about the germs that accumulate on that stuff?

Just a ditto for Sampiro’s mention of the “The Great American Bathroom Books”. Gotta love 'em.


I would never actually leave my reading material in the bathroom, but I do like to read there. Farging roommates, though. I can’t read in the bathroom unless they’re gone. Invariably someone will have to come into the bathroom for one reason or another, and then…“Harimad-sol, you’re not reading in there, are you?” This started when one of the girls saw me exit the bathroom with a book.