The legality of deterring mailbox baseball

Apologies to all with getting some details wrong in the case of a householder shooting an intruder.

It was some years ago and I was out of the country at the time so did not get many of the follow up details concerning the case.

The thing that stuck with me was the the householder who was only protecting his property ends up in jail and paying compensation to the burglar who should not have been in his house at all.

I am a bit old fashioned in that I do believe one’s home should be his castle and one’s family should feel safe when “at home”

But times move on and criminals get better free representation in an attempt to justify their behavior against the good guys who have to pay for their own legal costs.

As regard the word “Gypsy” It’s difficult to keep up with the rapid changing acceptable and appropriate terms these days.

In my day Gypsy was a figure of mystery and romance, there were songs written and movies made about the romantic life on the Gypsy road.

What happened to change that?

Rhetorical question