The "man pushed to the edge" genre of movies

That’s not really a “man pushed to the edge” film. It’s a “badass pulled out of retirement” film. As is the film Taken.

Nah, as noted previously, the guy was a nut job.

But Michael’s dad made “Lonely Are the Brave,” which I think would qualify.

If gender is immaterial then we can put Thelma & Louise in there.

F/X, starring Bryan Brown as a Hollywood special effects artist.

High Noon
It’s a Wonderful Life
Animal House

It’s a remarkably flexible plot.

Death Hunt

Disagree, in that it’s the taking of the hostage who he has become so attached to as a surrogate parent that causes him to go over the top trying to get her back. He isn’t called in specifically to do the job, he was already on it. Before the trauma of losing his client he was a simple burnt-out bodyguard, after he’s a ferocious engine of vengeance.

Or maybe you could say it is both. But his reaction is definitely emotional, rather than strictly professional, hence the title of the film.

Does Batman, specifically Batman Begins but also the 1989 movie, qualify?

Also,* Nowhere To Run*.

Here’s an obscure one that maybe somebody else besides myself has seen: Le vieux fusil

(IIRC after 20+ years) Schlub with a steady income and a minor noble pedigree meets a Parisan party girl who knows she’s been at the party too long. They acknowledge that he’ll never be the great love of her life, but the relationship is the best they each can realistically hope for. Cut to a few years later, and they’re living in his run-down family castle and have a daughter, whom they both genuinely love.

Anther cut forward, and while he’s away the Germans rape and murder the wife and daughter (brutal to watch because it’s not at all sensationalized). Schlub returns and uses the secret passageways to kill the Germans. The last German to go is looking in the mirror when he notices his reflection distoring in the glass, and before he knows it he’s being hit with a flamethrower by the schlub hiding in the room behind it.

What about The Shawshank Redemption? It fulfills the OP requirements.

Death Sentence with Kevin Bacon. I love this movie, even tho it has it’s flaws.
The Limey
Escape From New York & Escape From L.A. might count.
The Full Monty might count.
A History of Violence
The Bourne Identity (but not the other 2 'cause they were total crap)
Serenity, the Firefly movie.
Shoot 'Em Up
Sexy Beast
They Live
16 Blocks
Big Trouble In Little China
Sling Blade
Pusher, an excellent Dutch film.
The Dogs Of War with Christopher Walken.
Death Hunt with Charles Bronson & Lee Marvin.

Too many Jackie Chan movies (and HK Cinema in general) to list.

Vengeance isn’t a theme that’s lacking in either film or literature. For the most part, it makes people feel all warm and gurgly inside to think that wrongs can be righted, or at least revenged.

Sorry I keep coming up with these one by one:

Air Force One

Gender-reversed: * Kill Bill*

I wasn’t sure if the OP wanted just regular ordinary guys forced to the edge or if he was including ex special forces badasses looking to lay low and retire until they were suddenly thrust back into their violent world.

There are a whole slew of Mel Gibson movies with either theme:
Mad Max (already mentioned)
The Patriot

Other films:
Rob Roy

For that matter The Patriot, another Mel Gibson flick. And Apocalypto.

Must be Mel’s specialty.

Well, heck, Gibson’s character in the first Lethal Weapon arguably fits the mold - he’s violent and suicidal while in mourning for his late wife.

Then there’s always this.

Agreed. I was going to say that.

High Noon is kind of like that, although he is the sheriff. Likewise Outland, the Sean Connery/sf more-or-less remake of it.

Just about any splatter movie where the victims actually fight back, in the process becoming almost as bad as their tormentors, might fit the OP.

Swimming With Sharks
American Beauty

American Beauty? I don’t think so.

On the distaff side, Gloria certianly fits the mold. How about Run, Lola Run or La Femme Nikita? Or The Professional-- I mean Natalie Portman, Jean Reno was a professional.

After a quick search I see that the name of the movie is Leon, The Professional.

Would Michael Douglas’s The Game count?