The man who hated Billy Joel

The main problem with that essay is that the author gives “The Longest Time” a pass, when in fact it’s one of the most infuriatingly obnoxious chunks of drivel in Joel’s whole repulsive oeuvre.

You mean like this?

Ladies and gentlemen, Stanley Donen!

Anyway, I’m a big Billy Joel fan, I’m not from LI, and I have no idea why people accuse him of not rocking. Paul Simon doesn’t rock; neither do Lou Reed, Leonard Cohen or Sting. I think Joel is singled out because he comes off as a bit of a dork. That’s OK - maybe he is a bit of a dork. But he’s a dork who writes good music.

Even as a huge Billy Joel fan, I can still get behind Weird Al’s It’s Still Billy Joel To Me more than I can that article.

Well in all fairness you live in New York and it’s impossible to go out walking without a drunk Billy Joel running you down on the sidewalk. He’s not played quite so much on the left coast. If you ever do want to listen to a whole album, I’d recommend “River of Dreams” which is easy enough and a lot more mature than the earlier work.