The most hellish,nightmarish and perfectly awful thing that ever happened to you

Oh, and Pammi? It was very brave of you to share that horrific experience, and hopefully it may prevent it happening to at least one other woman, who may be more cautious than she’d have to be in a world without slime.


I can’t think of anything worse than what has already been mentioned. The only things I can think of are when my girlfriend told me she’d found a small lump. It turned out to be a cyst(sp?) and taken care of but that was bad for me. Girlfriend eventually became my wife and we just went through the same thing again, but it was fine. The other was when wife said she needed to tell me something over the phone–I thought it was to confess an affair. I was thankfully wrong, but again, I was not doing well for a while.

My God Pammi thats one of the most horrific stories I’v ever read. Words fail me all I can say is I agree with Stoid get some help hon.
I’m not usually into this hugging thing but,

Stoid your story wasent exactly a walk in the park either, that must have been horrible! Can I just say, this story btw is by no means a horrible thing that happened to me, that when I was having my youngest I asked for an Epidural (where they numb you so you dont feel contractions) and after the doctor administered it, only one side of my body was numb. Of course for that it was just funny that I was recieving contractions on one side of my body but when I told the doctor he looked really surprised, bit like this :eek: ;), anyway he topped it up and everything was fine. So, all I’m saying is if they can make a mistake with that (maybe I need more like when I go to the dentist the injection dosent always work first time) then I dont see how they cant make a mistake with what Stoids talking about. I realise that they will be alot more carful in that situation, but I think Stoid has at least proved that the anesthetic was adminitered by an incompetent nurse.

Pammi – thanks for sharing your story. That had to have been hard to relate to us, much less to actually live through it. That someone could actually inflict that kind of cruelty on another human being is reprehensible.

That’s the kind of story that makes me want to find this guy, break both his kneecaps with a ballpeen hammer, drag out his intestines with a rusty hook and make him eat them over and over again, then systematically reduce all the bones in his torso to powder with a blunt object.

(I take that kind of experience personally myself, as my sister went through a very similar experience once. I’m not a violent person by any stretch, but I swore if I ever found the guy, I’d make him wish he was never born.)

{{{{{{{{Pammipoo}}}}}}}} {{{{{{{Baker}}}}}}} and {{{{{{{{everyone else}}}}}}}

All of these storys are heartbreaking.

I guess my worst experiances have been

Being abused and molested by my Dad, molested by my Moms dad (though at least he didn’t beat threaten my life like dear old Daddy) when I was a kid and through my teen years. And the hell I went through when it all came out when I was 26 ( He said you started it, you are a lier, I wish you were dead and in hell blah, blah , blah) Many of my family members seemed to forget that they came to me and pressured me to tell ** after ** my sister who knew told them first.

When I was 16 I went out with a guy who put a knife to my throat and raped me. I didn’t file charges, I felt like it was my fault because I didn’t fight him. I cried and begged him to stop but didn’t fight. I went home showered for a long time and cried. I told a friend and she said well you shouldn’t have gone with him. Duh

When my first husband hung himself four months after we were married.

When my first child was stillborn.

But you know what is great folks, we have all survived these things. They have changed us no doubt, but I believe we may now be stronger and possibly even more caring people because of our experiences.

Great sig line Krunk!!

I have two daughters, and it is staggering the horrors that you can/have to imagine being inflicted on them. Mrs. Babe and I have even told our older one, the one who can talk, that if she is lost, she should go tell a mommy. Even though the chance of approaching a man who is a bad man is astronomically small, it virtually disappears for women.

My point, and I do have one, is that my worst experience related to the birth of my second daughter, the yeller. Our first was via planned c-section, but our doctor recommended trying a regular birth for the second, which was really the right thing to do. Not too far into the hard labor, my wife felt a ‘pop’ in her innards, but there was no immediate discomfort or alarms, so nothing was immediately done. Eventually they lost the baby’s heart rate, and the doctors began to freak, ripping off all the instruments and wheeling my wife into the OR, leaving me alone in the L&D room wondering what was going on. (Believe me, I realize I had the easier job, but the not knowing sucked)

As it turned out, the scar from Mrs. Babe’s first birth had ruptured, essentially pulling her uterus in half. Baby Babe was being wheeled down to Neonatal ICU, and I saw her briefly, with breathing tubes and monitors everywhere, and surrounded by 8 different people. We had decided to name her from our 4 choices when we saw her, but I didn’t know if Baby Babe would make it through the night, so I named her then and there. My wife was pissed off at first, but when I told her the reason, she melted. I saw them take Baby Babe’s breathing tube out before I saw Mrs. Babe. She also had a breathing tube, but also an IV going into her carotid artery (the main artery in the neck). So not only was she waking up groggy from major surgery, frequently throwing up, she had a breathing tube in her mouth and was in restraints to keep her from ripping out the IV.

For the next several days, I trekked between their two rooms at opposite ends of separate wings of the hospital. If any of you have been in Northwester Hospital (Chicago) you know what a massive complex that is.

BTW, Baby Babe II is doing fine now. Primaflora, my heart goes out to you. My experience doesn’t compare too well, but it made us feal cheated not to bring our baby home with us from the hospital. She stayed there about another week.

My sister is my reason for living. She is my best friend and my confidant. Her life is much more important to me than my own, so all of my most painful experiences are regarding her.

I’m with Krunk when I say that I would gleefully kill the bastard that raped my sister. I still remember that day as one of worst days of my life. I just sunk to my knees sobbing when I found out my sister had been raped.

Fast forward about five years, when my sister found out her husband had been cheating on her for four years all the while making her feel horrible about her own previous infidelity, she became suicidal. There is nothing scarier than being 200 miles away from your sister while she is pregnant and suicidal. Everytime the phone rang, I got scared that it was my mother calling to tell me that sis apple had done the deed. What was worse was over spring break while I was isolated from all humanity by about 3 hours and had no way of knowing if sis apple was okay.

Fast forward about a year to this last christmas. My parents went ballistic when they found out sis apple was going back to her husband (as mentioned above). They couldn’t understand her desire to keep her two children with their father if he was serious about making a change in their relationship. While I hate her husband, I had to support her decision. Parents basically disowned both of us four days after christmas. Haven’t spoken to them since. You wanna talk about emotional turmoil and deep depression . . .

However, I’m not so stupid as to not realize that my pain doesn’t come near some of you people’s. I’m sorry the world can be such a hurtful place for us simple little beings.

Everybody has a terrible story to tell… it’s nice to see that mostly we’ve all managed to get beyond it.

Ayesha… you’ve had too damn many, girl. While I hope none of us has any more terrible stories in our lives, I think you have had more than your fair share already. Enough!

And I sure hope Pammipoo drops back in to tell us whether she’s gonna get some help…


Thank you all, for your kind words, both in email and in this post.
While I didn’t tell my family, or press charges, I most definitely didn’t deal with this alone. I had close friends who were there for me 100%, whether it be a shoulder for me to cry on, or Sean and Andrew volunteering their spring breaks to come find the bastard and kick the living shit out of him. At the lowest point in my ordeal, I sat in my hallway, sobbing to my friend Amanda who was 1500 miles away, while she just listened. I knew she was there for me, despite the distance between us. When I was having nightmares, Scott slept on the floor in my room so he was there to hold me when I woke up crying. Just last night, after reliving everything in this post, I called my best friend and cried to him, while he told me everything was going to be okay. So while I never sought professional help, I had the best support group in the world, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.


The worst night of my life was the Monday night at 10:00 in 1993 when two cops showed up on our doorstep to tell us that my father had died. I was surprised that anybody was there at that hour, and when Mom started demanding that they show that they really were cops, I got really worried. (There had lately been news stories about burglars and such pretending to be police, so she was being careful, and they approved of that, might I add.) Then when she started crying I got out of bed and made tracks for the door. We were in California, he was in Texas, and they had tracked us down (my parents had divorced several years before and my mom had remarried); he had died in his sleep, and when he hadn’t shown up at work that morning, his coworkers became worried and went over to check on him. He’d only been working there a few months but was well-liked and highly reliable.

I ended up freaking out on the sofa (my dad and I were REAL close) while she started calling family. We didn’t wake up my brother to tell him until morning.

I’m not trying to play “Can You Top This?” but lemme tell you, this was BAD. Real bad.

I don’t mean to ignore any of the experiences related in this thread - I concentrate on Pammi’s because it kinda strikes home.

Pammi, congratulations on reaching out and making contact with other people in order to deal with the horrible circumstance that that creature inflicted upon you. A lot of people in circumstances like that internalize the feelings that result, rather than come out and seek help from friends, professionals and loved ones. You did yourself a great service by talking to other people about it. Way to go for you!!! :slight_smile:
