The Nahployment 'Crisis'

People have no-showed interviews or not responded to offers for years, that is nothing new… although it is markedly more common since COVID. In the past maybe half of the people I scheduled for an interview would no-show or cancel, my experience this year has been maybe four out of five who schedule end up “ghosting” the interview. That sucks but you know, whatever, we don’t have enough people scheduling in the first place that I have to worry about running out of time slots.

What is infuriating is when they take the offer, ask for two weeks (to give notice to their current employer), and then drop off the face of the earth. Or when they take the offer, ask for two weeks, sign the employment papers, come in for training, and spend an entire morning showing enthusiasm for the new job - then disappear over the lunch break never to be seen again. That kind of stunt makes us worry you got into a car accident or something.

Which did happen by the way. I previously wrote about our six-month quest to fill a full time position. We finally filled the position and about a month into the job, the new employee just didn’t show up to work or return anyone’s calls. It turns out she did get into a terrible motorcycle accident and was in the hospital. I’ve tried to keep up with her, we were hoping she would recover and be able to come back, but I haven’t reached her in weeks and have reason to suspect she is depressed or may have had serious complications in surgery.
