The necessary character traits of a navy submarine commander


No idea for sub duty, as I’ve never been on one. In the Naval construction arena, I would include smart young men in the project planning phase and give them additional responsibility on the job site. I could also recommend them for inclusion on a ‘detachment’ for the next deployment, which were generally plum assignments.

After verbal counseling, cautions or reprimands, without an improvement in performance, a Captain’s Mast for reduction in rank and in pay may be in order. In the extreme, all boats have a brig for those guilty of criminal mischief. Punitive measures were always a last resort for me. I think that in 23 years I sent only few people to Mast, and only a couple who worked directly for me, who were just misfits. The others were men who didn’t show up for their watch when I was the guy in charge of the duty crew, and who I likely had no other contact with on a daily basis. Many times, people who don’t show up for duty have a perfectly legitimate reason for not doing so, but the default response of the OOD is to initiate a report and let the chain of command sort it out later.