The new Doctor Who sonic screwdriver

Oh, look! It’s got three settings!

Non-Doctor fan here. I bring no biases.

That new one looks like a lost relic from the lost age. Something from Middle Earth. The crude shape, the pitted surface and the irregular crystal-like thing at the end makes it look like it come from the Hyborian Age. All it needs are some Runes and it would be complete.

I would expect the Doctor to have smooth tech, not stone knives and bearskins. Something more like this. No visible controlling buttons, no writing, no obvious clue as to how it works, yet it does look like it does something. Something futuristic. Somehow.

There’s certainly a middle ground. The Doc has long been the spit and baling wire type, and a big fan of cobbling shit together. Not to mention that a common Maguffinism in the show has been “stuff that looks like bricks but are super high-tech” (the Pandorica comes to mind).

*"Behold, the famous Sonic Screwdriver. 1001 uses.

Now 1002."*

I think this is, “much ado about nothing”.

When a half-century-old show defies my expectations, that’s a feature, not a bug.

Then again this tradition was well established back in the history of the shoe, by those outstanding early production values, that seemingly consisted of “use whatever’s lying about in the BBC prop room”.

Is the new Doctor a cow?

Including chairs.

SWEET terrifying penis JESUS!

I don’t see anything girly about it. I do think it looks a bit crappy, but that’s BBC production values for you. The original Daleks were just upside-down garbage cans with studs and a broom stuck out the front.

Plunger, wasn’t it?

Is that signature new? It took me a second, but that’s pretty funny!

I am lost as to how this is “feminine.” It looks like a giant alien claw, like something animalistic and brutal. Pretty much the *opposite *of “girly.”

It looks crude and ugly. Not what I’d call feminine.

He’s had that one up for several months.

They DO tend to be pretty good, though, right?

‘Insectoid’ was my reaction (specifically a wasp or an ant) - the handle’s the abdomen, the main body the thorax…the holes where the legs and head were removed. >_>

I think it has an H. H. Giger feel… not feminine at all, unless the Alien queen counts.

Old Sonics

New Sonic

I’ll say it, since nobody else will, it looks like a GD dildo. I’ve never been a “Whovian” but this is just offensive.

:confused: :rolleyes: Half the ones in your first link look like dildos. Who is the new one supposedly offensive towards?