The Office 4/28 - Steve Carell's last episode

To be exact, he actually said “This is going to feel so good getting this thing off my chest.”

I see RB, already cleared up exactly what he said, but as for the second part, he didn’t “mouth it” he said it normally, he just didn’t have a mic on him anymore.

D’Angelo is just a terrible character… the show has had its ups and downs, mainly ups for me, but I can’t understand how they messed that up so badly.

I thought Toby’s brother was a mashup of BJ Novak and Paul Lieberstein. It sounded like Novak to me.

Great sendoff to a great character. Fare well, Michael; may you and Holly live happily ever after. Hmmm… I’ll be in Boulder next month…wonder if they’ll let me couchsurf for a night?

I was just asking my sister who she thought Toby’s brother was and she mentioned that his IRL brother also writes for the show.
I give you Warren Lieberstein.
I think we have a winner.

He wont’ be, but he is interviewing for the position in the season finale. Which is cool.

Is there dome reason that’s not in a spoiler box?

It was promo’d. It’s not a spoiler.


Good episode, except for the completely over-the-top D’Angelo. I loved the scene of Michael convulsed with laughter over being patronized by Oscar. Did he say “It looks like it was made by a monkey on a farm”? Also loved Phyllis’s interest in erotic cakes, and Michael’s completely unexpected advice to Toby.

What the hell were those pants Andy was wearing?

That is exactly the conversation we had at the singular house. Man, I was hugely choked up and teary with Jim and Michael’s scene. That was some damn fine writing and acting right there.

I loved the whole episode… except EVERYTHING to do with D’Angelo. Terrible character. Made me never want to see Will Ferrel again.

I loved all the promos showing who we can expect to see in the future. ESPECIALLY J.C.!

Guys, promos are SPOILERS.

Whatever, just glad to hear Will Ferrell’s getting fired. An office with neither him or Michael Scott sounds like a pretty decent show.

That Pamela scene at the end was bullshit. It would have been a much stronger finish to cut to commercial right at “let me know if this ever airs”.

I think they brought Will Ferrell’s character in to lower the bar so we’ll welcome ANY replacement. His parts on this show would have ruined it if it hadn’t been so awesome otherwise. Every single scene other than his was perfect.

They just didn’t do a good job of writing anything for him. It’s like they just got “Will Farrell,” but then forgot to actually develop any kind of coherent character for him.

D’Angelo is no crazier than Michael on an average day. If this had been a regular office episode with everything Ferrel did being done by Steve Carrel nobody would bat eye.

I was wondering why Pam disappeared for most of the day, and even went to the movies during the workday. Perhaps Jim called her and told her that Michael was headed for the airport and she was going to miss seeing him before he left?

She was blowing off work, pretending to shop for supplies but really going to a movie. Jim texted her about what was going on, and she scrambled to catch Michael before he got on the plane.

Nah, she missed Jim’s text because she was in the theater. When Michael was leaving she was coming in and probably found out from Jim right then and followed Michael to the airport.

Will Ferrell is the Pope Benedict XVI of Office bosses. You can’t follow Pope John Paul Carrell with your real replacement, because the shoes are too big - so you put in a creepy super-old nazi stopgap to buffer expectations.