The one scene that sullies an otherwise good film

I don’t know about ruining the movie, but those black-and-white frames are quite an oddity. I wonder if it was intentional (for who-knows-what reason) or an overlooked mistake during production?

I don’t know if it’s a Checker, but that would go well with the black and white movie playing on the green screen. This no doubt homage to whatever, and like most everything Tarantino does, it’s too clever by half.

Thirded. Spielberg doesn’t seem to trust his audience and has to lay on the sentiment with a backhoe.

The real Schindler quietly walked away and gave no exposition of his thoughts. I find that reality would have made a more satisfying movie end.

Any scene in Shane in which the little boy speaks, but most especially the ending. It’s beyond grating and is the reason I do not own this movie despite my great fondness for it.

An oddity in a nonsense scene of a nonsense film featuring nonsense characters? Say it isn’t so!

Seriously, though, I think the effect suits the moment perfectly. It comes at the very climax of the scene and signals the fact that the watch is now truly and irreparably broken.

There’s a recent Cafe Society thread out there along the lines, “Something you’d missed which you finally realized after consuming {pop culture item} a zillion times”. Well, I’ve finally realized that the Seinfeld episode “The Raincoats” - with Judge Reinhold as Elaine’s close-talking boyfriend, and Jerry making out with his girlfriend during “Schindler’s List” - contains a parody of Schindler’s List. Reinhold’s character spends days showing Jerry’s visiting parents a good time in NYC. When Morty and Helen leave for home, Reinhold is overcome with regret: “I could have done more!” It’s a spoof of the Liam Neeson regret scene! :smack: According to Wikipedia, “Jerry Seinfeld commented that the references to Schindler’s List were included after learning that Steven Spielberg got so depressed while filming the movie that he would watch tapes of Seinfeld episodes to cheer himself up.”

Well, it’s good to know we’re not the only ones disappointed by that scene.