The "piece of trash" corporate citizen awards

This piece has nothing to do with content but everything to do with the complaint system. While technically part of the “net neutrality system”, it’s not one that is typically brought up when discussing NN.

This doesn’t really say anything addressing throttling of connections based on content, which is the core complaint of the removal of NN.

Bottom line is, Verizon could have legally done the exact same thing with NN rules in place as it did once those rules were removed. That’s why it has nothing to do with NN, except in the “complaint” department, as I noted above.

Nestle still has a good stranglehold on this title in my mind for modern times, although this is definitely up there.

Verizon personnel are scum because they lie about what ‘unlimited’ means.

Be careful; if you add up too many unlimiteds, you owe them one-twelfth of the internet.