"The Pope is Going to Hell Because He Wasn't Saved"

I’ve always been told that the reason that the Catholic church supresses what it thinks are heresies is the same reason that it didn’t want Luther to translate the Bible out of Latin–it was afraid of stupid people. Well, more afraid for them. They didn’t want people going off and accidentally damning themselves.

Of course, in practice, many of the Church’s actions have been quite different, but it seems that there motivations are/were good, if what I’ve been told is true.

Is it?

You’ll have to come up with a cite for that, I am afraid. Where is it written that “interpreting Scripture” is heresy?

I think he meant that the more fundamentalist Christians consider interpreting scripture, instead of taking it completely literally, is a form of heresy and since the Catholic Church regularly interprets it, those folks consider the RCC to be chock full of heretics.

Ten bucks says these are the same people who think Terri Schiavo was “murdered” by her husband. :rolleyes:

I never got this “being saved” thing. I was taught that Jesus Christ suffered death on the Cross to redeem us. He brought salvation to the world. By Baptism we are brought into the fold and made one in Him. I assume Pope John Paul II was baptised, so then, he is made one with Christ. Seems to me that’s pretty clear, but what does my brought up Episcopal self know according to the person who condemned JPII to hell.

Sometimes it was requested! I remember reading on a fundy type board a woman saying that at her funeral, she wanted to make sure the preacher reminded everyone of what would happen if they weren’t saved, that the word HAD to be preached, even if people didn’t like hearing it!

Yeah, but the RCC (and some Protestant sects) just sprinkle the water of baptism onto the head of the baptistee. So, to some folk, that ain’t baptism cause you have to be “washed in the blood of the lamb” and that obviously requires total immersion.

Yep, my first ordination was from a jerk like this. Good ol’ Rev. Joseph: “If you have not accepted Jesus as your savior you will burn in hell, and if you have not accepted my request for $300 you will be referred to immigration as an undesirable and deported.” :rolleyes:

Terri was Catholic! Maybe the fundies were trying to keep her alive so they could “save” her.

I was picturing Mel Gibson’s follow-up, The Asscrack of the Christ.

I’ve never seen one - what is it?

I remember going to a friend’s high school graduation. The guest speaker was the Reverend Billy Burrell. That name just sounds Southern Baptist, don’t it?

He spouted off a regular hellfire and brimstone sermon, including the wrongest interpretation of evolution I’ve ever heard. “Are you saying you can bust a watch apart into a million pieces, throw all of them into the dryer, and it’ll come back out completely reassembled? That’s just foolish.”

Uh Rev, I think they wanted you to encourage the graduates to lead productive lives, not handle your rattlesnakes.

An Altar Call is when at some point during the proceedings, whoever is leading tells everyone that if they haven’t been saved and wish to be they can come up right now and someone will pray with them and they will be saved.

Kind of reminds me of the time, years ago, at our local Living Waters Baptist Church: Christmas Eve Services, the Guest Preacher announced that Santa Clause was a false idol, and that those who believed in him were Sinners.
Lot of upset kids that night.
Lots of p*ssed-off parents too.
And the regular preacher wasn’t too happy, either!

That was EXACTLY what my Dad said, and he was heavily active in the Episcopal church. It’s not part of doctrine, though, officially? Or is it just clear-headedness?

Things like this make me want to bang my head repeatedly against a brick wall. :smack:

On behalf of all sane, smart, respectful Christians: this guy blows and sucks. What I’d give to take a boot to his backside.

My SO’s family is half-Catholic, half-Episcopal. The first time she went home for Christmas with me, it happened to fall on a Wednesday, so she was subjected to the patened Church of Christ Anti-Christmas Christmas Sermon. Among the other things the preacher asserted was that the Pope was the antichrist. I don’t even listen to the crap the preacher says any more, I just go to Chuch with my mom to shut everybody the hell up while I’m home. The SO was so offended she refused to ever set foot in a C of C again.

Yikes. And you know, most Catholics go through life without ever hearing or even knowing the depth of such intolerance. My Dad (who has a Masters in religion from Dunwoodie Seminary in Yonkers and can talk at great length about the Q and J sources and all and when the Gospels were written and how Revelations is a coded political message, etc.) really doesn’t understand it–he sees any attack on fundamentalism as akin to the know-nothing 1840s sort of thing, or Upper-West-Side style condescending (which is indeed very annoying), and votes conservative because he doesn’t like abortion or gay marriage.

He has no idea what some of them are saying about his church or his Pope.

Now, to be fair, while some of his allies are mired in know-nothingism Pres. Bush himself is going to the Pope’s funeral. Good for him. I wonder if it’ll shut up any of those un-Christian preachers.

Daithi Lacha the ECUSA for all it’s faults and foibles sets great store in the principles of scripture, tradition and wisdom. We are encouraged to think for ourselves! Imagine!

Plus God has of yet to specifically tell me that I get to decide who is and who isn’t in His good graces. I kinda figure that to be true of everybody else too.

Would that make the Cathopal, or Episcolic?