The Power of Prayer

Prayer has been defined as the adult version of letters to Santa Claus. All available evidence suggests that this assessment is absolutely correct.

One thing we know, gullibles don’t believe every lie.

Well, finally a hypothesis that can be conclusively disproven to the satisfaction of believers and non-believers alike! There’s a simple disproof available here: Fred Phelps remains alive[sup]1[/sup]. :wink:

[sup]1[/sup] Biologically, at least.

True, but I thought he’d remain alive until the final battle…
Oh wait…that’s Satan…MY mistake…
or is it?


Fred has a special kind of love.

You are reading into the post negative conditions and assumptions. Negativity does harm the one who holds it. Hate is like battery acid, it wears away the holder rather quickly.

Love replaces negative conditions and brings peace, calm and healing to those who hold only love for others.


Peace and calm, I have no doubt. But healing? “Love” doesn’t hold a candle to cancer, stroke or heart attack. You can be the most loved and loving person in the world, but a brain tumor will kill you just as dead as it will the sonofabitch in the next room.

Love dispells fear, and perfect love dispells all fear.

Without fear the body no longer freezes, and shakes, so it may concentrate on healing. Healing does not always mean one doesn’t die. It means there is no fear of death. No need to brace ones self for the worst. Death is natural for the body, but never happens to the spirit. You will always be you, there is nothing to fear about death. You will be surrounded by light and love so strong and caring you will not miss your body at all.

The author has “crossed over,” but the message beautiful. It is the essence of his experience.


“Perfect Fear is perfect Awareness. Perfect Awareness is perfect Love.”

Can’t you just ask your energy beings? You think this would be right up there alley.

-Joe, black hole or prayer