The Race for the GOP Nomination - Post-Thanksgiving Thread

Anyway, thank God for Gary Johnson, saving me the trouble of voting for a Democrat if Trump gets the nomination.

Who? No, I’m not kidding, who?

The Libertarian candidate.

Hmmm . . . Bob Dole now finds Trump more acceptable than Cruz. And he might not be the only party elder who feels that way.

I think I need more popcorn. :slight_smile:

At this point, the only way this race could make any less sense would be if a Wookie from Endor were running.

Favorite sons! Now there’s an idea from 50 years ago that’s surely ready for a comeback. :smiley:

Yeah, Trump and Cruz are pulling down 55%, combined, in the 538 polling average for Florida. Bush and Rubio combine for 23%.

And I’ll clue you in: neither of them is going to throw in the towel before Florida.

And unless Kasich somehow breaks through and becomes a major player for the GOP nomination, do you think Ohio Republicans are going to give him a win there?

If Trump’s still in contention in mid-March, he will roll in Ohio. Ditto New Jersey, where Christie’s favorability ratings have been in the toilet for ages now.

You’re gonna need a bigger popcorn bowl. :slight_smile:

Me, I’m gonna mix a nice drink, watch the snow come down, and toast to the confusion of my enemies. :smiley:

A convention that will be in his home state of Ohio (in Cleveland, to be precise). Lots of speculation that he’ll angle for the Vice Presidency if the top prize eludes him.

Give him a hand, everybody!

Actually, I think that furry orange scalp-parasite that controls Trump’s mind comes from there. And it might be a larval Wookie – the xenobiologists and the fanboys are still researching that point.

Wow, usually I’m lucky to get a finger!

Oh, drop it!

Indeed. I like to think I have a reasonably good grasp of US politics but this race continues to stump me on a regular basis. Just the last couple of weeks I have been surprised by:
a) Cruz’s momentum in Iowa stalling and perhaps reversing
b) Kasich’s mini-surge in NH
c)Establishment figures like Dole making supportive noises about Trump especially compared to Cruz. I am aware that Cruz is widely disliked but his policy positions are pretty orthodox for the most part while Trump is a real wild card from the conservative point of view.

Cruz is hated by most who know him. While Trump as a candidate may dismay the REpublican Party, Trump has been well known personally by a lot of politicians for a lot of years. They probably have a better comfort level with him.

Yes … if “orthodox” means “typical for crazed Tea Party loons.”

Ted Cruz strongly opposes
[ul][li] Any gay rights[/li][li] women’s right to abortion[/li][li] the Violence Against Women Act[/li][li] any form of amnesty for illegal immigrants[/li][li] any measures making it easier to vote or register to vote[/li][li] green energy[/li][li] Social Security (he wants it privatized)[/li][li] the IRS (he wants it abolished)[/li][li] the Dept. of Education (he wants it abolished)[/li][li] the Federal Reserve system (he wants it “audited”)[/li][li] the “Death Tax” (he wants it abolished)[/li][li] any federal regulations related to energy or the environment.[/li]He thinks people who believe in AGW are “the equivalent of the flat-earthers.”
[li] United Nations Agenda 21. (he’s drunk the conspiracy-theory Kool-aid)[/li][/ul]

Ted Cruz strongly supports
[li] Capital punishment. (His fellow law clerks were amazed at his focus on deathrow appeals, wallowing in grisly crime details rather than any legal issues.)[/li][li] A “flat tax.”[/li][li] A balanced budget amendment with 2/3 majority required for any tax hike[/li][li] increased military spending (despite the drastically reduced tax revenue :smack: )[/li][li] federal establishments favoring Christian religion[/li][/ul]

If Ted Cruz is an “orthodox” Republican I’d hate to imagine what an extremist is like.

bTW, I’m surprised that Trump’s age hasn’t been an issue. The guy is about as old as Reagan was when he was running in 1980.

Then again, given all the other stuff to talk about with Trump I guess it’s not surprising that his age hasn’t been an issue. But I do wonder if the early signs of dementia are being hidden by his bombast.

At this point, I think Trump has a more secure grip on his nomination than Hillary does on hers.

Not according to Nate Silver. Based on their last few chats, Silver’s team still seems to give Trump no more than a 20% chance or so at the nomination, and they don’t give Bernie more than a 10% chance. According to them, Bernie could win Iowa and NH and would still probably lose, due to Hillary’s massive demographic lead with non-white Democrats.

I suggest a new strategy, Repubs: let the Wookie win.

Other than Agenda 21, he sounds like a typical Republican politician in 2016 to me.

Seriously, which of these stances are atypically radical for a Republican these days? They probably wouldn’t want to be loud and proud about privatizing Social Security, given how that battle worked out back in 2005, but it’s not something that Republican politicians are opposed to, either. And while most of them wouldn’t say they’re in favor of establishment of Christianity, the vast majority support various policies that amount to the same thing, piecemeal.

Everything else on that list? Right in the wheelhouse of the GOP as it is today. The whole party has either drunk the Kool-Aid, or is afraid to differ from those who have.

There are many such options. :wink: