The SDMB top 50 Movie Heroes List

Damn! How could I forget Crouching Tiger? kingpenvin, I want to knock Jack Burton off my list and replace him with Shu Lien. Not only for the reasons AmyG listed, but because she’s wicked hot and because it tips my list in favor of the ladies.

If you liked the movie, read the book. It’s SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better.:slight_smile:

Top Five should definately be:
1)Optimus Prime :slight_smile:

2)Dr.Ellie Arroway

3)Yu Shu (Crouching tiger)

4)Annie–no,not the musical. There’s an old film called Imitation of Life (I think…saw on TCM the other day)with Lana turner. Lana Turner is a struggling actress and Annie is her black best friend/maid who is struggling with issues of her own, mainly a daughter named Susie who’s passing herself off as white. No matter what Susie does or says to Annie, she keeps her faith and tries to teach the girl to do the right thing. In the end…her faith in her daughter is rewarded when the girl realizes what a shit she’s been and how poorly she treated her mother and ends up running after her mother’s funeral carriage.

5)Mulan–A role model for girls, I think that her example of standing up for what you want and believe in even when the going gets tough is admirable.