The September of my Rants

We recently had the grocery store remodel and reorient everything. GAAAAH! I had the whole place memorized from years of shopping there. Now? I wander around like a stooge looking for everything in its new place.

(For some curious reason, we now have a whole aisle dedicated to premium chocolate bars?!?!)

What are you thinking? Don’t hunt for him! That’ll just reinforce his deep-seated belief that, in spite of everything you say, you need him bothering you.

You really do need to lay down some ground rules (BEFORE you get mad at him, and if you can do so affectionately, all the better).

My regular grocery store remodeled and moved everything around a couple of years ago. Just about the time that I got used to the new grocery store layout, our local Target store decided to remodel and move everything around! :rage:

Holy shit then it’s not just me.

The last time I bought honey it was only in some endcap near the front of the store next to things that you’d never put honey on, mix honey with, or otherwise associate with honey. I think it was next to some fresh salads.

Oh no, it’s not just you. A Facebook friend of mine was complaining about trying to find honey in her local grocery store. She agreed with me that we needed to get a druid, a paladin, and a bard together whenever we needed to start the Quest for Honey.

Summon a bear, that’s all you need. :smiley:

Try moving to a different country.
Foreign supermarket logic is a complete mystery. I still don’t understand why Organic goes with Pharmacy. And it took me a long time to find the eggs next to the bread.

Bring a honeyguide, they’re generally less prone to ripping your limbs off.

But then it would pursue us to the exit.

Here, the honey is always near the peanut butter and jelly. It’s Hershey’s chocolate in the squeeze bottle that I can never find.

And I HATE when they remodel the store. They do it on purpose, to make you look at more stuff so you’ll buy more. In theory.

One of our grocery stores (a big one, but friendly and employee-owned) hung laminated “Store Guides” at the end of every other aisle. Small type, both sides, they fit almost everything on there.

Let’s see… Hershey’s kisses, Hershey’s chocolate bars, Hershey’s chocolate squishy bottle… Oh, it’s in the floral section!

“You must gather your party before venturing forth.”

If my spouse stood at my desk, staring or snickering, I’d definitely hunt him down - though in the “pursuing a wild animal, carrying a rifle” meaning of the phrase, not the “go figure out where he is” meaning.

I mean, we don’t own any weapons, so option #1 wouldn’t even be a possibility - but why on earth would he stand in front of your desk and either stare OR snicker?

Look around, can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?

Balders Gate: The Shopping Experiance

I’ve been feeling rotten since Monday so yesterday I clocked out of work early and went to the local walk-in clinic where I was swabbed for The Rona and The Flu. I was told that since I work for Local Hospital System I was going to get my results within 24 hours instead of the usual 48-72.

I got a call at 7:50 this morning. That right there should have tipped me off, but I was barely awake. I tested positive for The Rona. I’m now confined to quarters for the rest of the month.

What pisses me off is that I’m vaccinated. I got both Pfizer shots in the beginning of the year when my employer offered them. My best guess is I got it last week when the local Christian schools had a track meet at the park I walk at after work. At one point I walked past a bunch of unmasked, cheering fans. The park is the only place I don’t mask up because it’s outside.

Guess I won’t be going back to that park until the dead of winter.

The Delta variant is a real pain in the ass. It is able to infect people who are vaccinated. (Not that the vaccine would make it impossible to get the original infection either, no vaccine is 100% effective.)

The thing to remember is that many people who are unvaccinated and get it will end up in the hospital and can even die. We’re talking young and otherwise healthy people. Since you have the vaccine, it will probably just be like a bad case of the flu. You did yourself a huge favor by not being an idiot and getting the vaccine.

Join the club. I wasn’t as pissed off about my vaccine not fully protecting me as much as I was at all of those un-vaccinated, un-masked people running around infecting everyone in their path.

My experience with my breakthrough case was not horrible and I didn’t need medical treatment or anything. Hopefully your case will be the same.

Drink LOTS of water! My joints got really achey in the morning until I learned to get up and drink water before coffee, which probably wasn’t such a bad habit to get into anyhow.

Good luck!

We had to put our dog Ernie (a Bichon) down on Monday. He was getting up there in years, he was 15. He started throwing up, and had diarrhea, and couldn’t hold down any water. I took him to the emergency vet, and they ran tests and he had chronic kidney failure.

We sat with him for over an hour, telling him what a good boy he was, and us reminiscing about all the fun things (and some bad things!) he did. He loved us, especially his Daddy, and we loved him very much. He went to sleep with us whispering in his ear.

Can I still be the Crazy Dog Lady with just one old blind and deaf dog left? Harley’s 14 1/2, and not in the best of health. No more dogs for us for a while. It hurts too much when you have to let them go.

Stay tuned for a picture.