The sexism experienced by two gay male fathers in the UK

Excellent catch! I think that should have been #1.

I have!

As usual, Wonky and Manda Jo are on point.

Seriously, Quartz your “ohh won’t someone help the poor, poor men against teh evil women” post are just eye-rollingly tiresome at this point.

What is it you expect from all of your posts? You want to hear “yes, yes, we women are bad and we don’t give you enough sex and you’re just a good guy who deserves a relationship with a female who should be grateful that you even looked at her”?

I have never so posted.

Besides which, I haven’t noticed you complaining about “ohh won’t someone help the poor, poor women against teh evil men” posts.

Ooh! Ulterior motives! That’s the second time, I think, that I’ve been accused of having ulterior motives. Please, do tell me what my agenda, my evil masterplan is.

I think you feel like when people talk about ways in which women are limited or disadvantaged by sexist social structures, that conversation is serving to advance a false narrative and that women use that false narrative to leverage a disproportionate and growing advantage over men in society. I think you feel like you need to strike back against that narrative because as a member of actually underprivileged group–men–you see your own rights and freedoms being eroded.
I also think you are wrong.

Why are you posting these? Please tell us.

Because eventually he’ll hit upon the topic that has all the posters responding how terrible women are to the poor poor disadvantaged white men like himself.

Manda JO is on point. I just flail around and occasionally run into the point by accident.

Sure I’ve started threads about discrimination against men, but I’m trying very hard to think of any threads about discrimination against women where I have done what you allege and cannot think of any. Can you link some? Indeed, many times I have stated that I want equality.

With respect, that is missing the point. Several posters, in this thread and others, get the impression that you focus too much on sexism against men (and other things of a similar nature, e.g. false accusations of rape against men, men being raped). It is a reasonable inference from that, that you care more about men’s rights than women’s rights. You don’t have to actively post things against women to give that impression. What we are trying to say is that your focus seems misplaced given that sexism against women remains a far bigger societal issue than sexism against men. We are not saying that sexism against men isn’t a problem or that it doesn’t exist. We all want equal treatment.

If you wish to avoid giving the impression outlined above, the way to resolve that would be to stop posting quite so many threads highlighting sexism against men. That’s all.

In the interest of limiting the extent of this hijack and trying to stay within forum rules, I’ve posted my response to this here.

You do realise that it is a handful out of hundreds?

No, it is not a reasonable inference at all. It is a sexist inference. Transgender rights affect a minuscule number of people, but nobody complains about those threads, do they?

Just because there’s a big evil doesn’t mean you should ignore a lesser evil. You’re sounding like men of the 50s and 60s talking about women’s rights.

That appears to not be the case. You’ve just said above that you think sexism against women is more important than sexism against men.

Perhaps instead people should stop and think.

Against my better judgement, I’m going to take one more shot at this, then I’m done.

Yes, but that doesn’t matter. Are you familiar with the joke with the punchline “But you fuck one sheep…”? It’s a bit like that.

Well, if you want to avoid people making that inference, you know what to do.

I’m not even going to attempt to address the second sentence here except to note my disagreement. As to the first part, that is true, but what do you hope to achieve by continually starting threads about perceived sexism against men, while doing little about sexism against women?

I said it’s more important to work on it because it’s so much more prevalent. Your one-man crusade is a bit unnecessary.

I also note that despite given multiple opportunities to do so, you have refused to explicitly say that you support women’s rights, and you have been evasive when questioned about your motives. Two other things which do not inspire confidence.

Perhaps indeed. You are people too.

Part of the issue is that you sometimes take things and twist them into matters of discrimination against men. Like this thread: yes, the author framed the issue as such, but I think it’s fair to say that there is a consensus that some people like to lecture parents (of either sex) about how to raise their child. This isn’t a sexist phenomenon - its an annoying pattern relating to parenting.

And on this point, that by and large the intrusion of other people into family issues isn’t a matter of sexism, I doubt you’ve had your mind changed.

You might have to wait on that until he’s solved the problem of the warfare blacks are waging against white people down your way…

I’m sorry, I missed the part where the two loving parents were raped and beaten to death or driven to suicide.

This is true. And sometimes there are aspects of an issue that seem to get overlooked and need a voice. If there were a general sexism thread, for example, chiming in about how sexism affects men is incredibly useful. It does affect men. Sometimes, the ways we use sexist thinking seems almost benign for one sex or the other, but if we stop and consider the ramifications, the toxicity can be clearer.

At the same time, if we find we are delving deep into some picayune accounting in order to bring up those aspects, maybe they don’t need as much of a voice as we’re giving them. Maybe we should be focused on bigger picture things that also affect the population we’re concerned about.

Thank you very much for speaking up for male victims of abuse and discrimination. About half of my threads were also on that subject – until I was almost driven away from SDMB.

There is a lot of discrimination against men

  1. we are discriminated in Divorce

  2. male offenders get 63% more time for the same crime

  3. male DV victims are more likely to be arrested then get help

  4. men accused of sexual offenses are presumed guilty by MSM and College Tribunals

Unfortunately tyrants, despots, and abusers do not allow people to talk about some kinds of injustice.