The silliest military hat.

Hah! Guessed right without looking at the rest of the thread! I rock!

OOPS! :rolleyes:

That looks badass–it’s made out of the right material to make it look like something you would wear to a fight with a crocodile. The female MTI hats are made of blue straw and just make them look like Smokey the Bear after a bad day with a camper.

Of course, there’s silly, and there’s downright [URL=]creepy/URL]/QUOTE]

hey, it’s cold on Hoth.

Wow that’s hideous coding. Yeesh.

I should have checked that link sooner. That’s the hat of the Death’s Head Hussars, which I referred to.

Camouflage. The covering gives the helmet or head an irregular shape, making it harder to spot.

Excuse me, fetus? There’s a reason that most Naval Enlisted prefer wearing those command ballcaps. You’re mistaking the rather comfortable and useful working uniform for the dress uniform cover.

I honestly know no other name for it: It’s a white cloth hat that looks like nothing so much as a simple dixie cup grown to preposterous preportions. Of course, only male enlisted personnel, E-1 to E-6, wear the silly things. Which was the best reason I could see for wanting to make chief.

My ex-brother-in-law used to refer to that as his upside-down doggie dish hat.

I love the Death’s Head Hussar hat. I like his mustache, too. There’s a man who could disembowel you with one hand while sipping cognac with the other.

Oh, that! I’d just never thought of it in the context of a Dixie cup before, I guess. But you’re right, it’s extremely silly.

However, I can think of a couple better reasons to want to make chief…

This is a more apt analogy, IMHO.

But all those other reasons presuppose one wants a career in the Navy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Where the heck did the Dixie cup cap come from, anyway? Pictures of naval personnel in the Civil war show them in caps similar to the aforementioned French Navy cap (but without the dash blang pompom), but by WW I the Dixie cup seems to be in full swing.

Answering my own query, I found this quote:

at US Navy Hats

What I’d heard about it was that it evolved from a traditional fisherman’s hat - the waterproof kind that partly covered the back and sides of the head as well - like this Over time, that design was shortened/modified, and taa-daa, the modern ‘dixie cup’ or ‘squid lid.’ Just flip up the brim on the hat in the picture, and you’ve pretty much got it.

The good news is that Navy enlisted uniform designs have actually been improving over the last 10 years or so, and the garrison cap has replaced the squid lid on service uniforms, though the dress blue, or crackerjack, uniform and the dress white summer uniform still require the white cap.

Last year the Navy produced a new line of uniforms in response to feedback on what was being used at the time - if the new ones are adopted, it would streamline and consolidate the current array of uniforms, which I am sure everyone will like:

Actually, I find it amusing that those of us with bitter personal experience of the Dixie cap, or dog dish hat view going to Scumpup’s cuntcap an improvement.

Off the point, but the US Navy female officer’s cover is just damn hot, I tells ya, hot!

I worked for the Navy for 12 years (as a GS) and my husband was in the Navy for about the same amount of time, and I never thought it was quite right to make a grown man wear that silly white cap. So the first day I saw the winter blue enlisted man’s garrison cap, I about cheered. I think it’s much nicer looking. Really, though, I think the military should just ditch the hat thing altogether (excepting, of course, combat helmets and headgear that actually does something useful).

Is that all she’s wearing? :smiley:

Seriously, I’ve got a slight uniform fetish, so I’ve never seen any woman of eligible age in a US Naval Officer’s uniform as being less than hot. Even coveralls. :eek: :o

The new(ish) US Army Berets look silly to me, IMHO.

It’s the Stay-puft Marshmallow Man.


FWIW, the oddest thing I learned about female naval officers’ uniforms is that the dinner dress uniform can include a tiara, if the wearer so chooses.