The Six Million Dollar Man

Well, the Greatest Hero you can get for Six Million Dollars.

You know what’s funny about shows like 6MDM? At that time, the tech was “twenty minutes into the future”. It didn’t exist, but you could imagine it existing in the theoretical stage.

But here we are 40 years later, and we’re no closer to having “the world’s first bionic man” than we were then.

And if you did an update show, where Steve-o was alive in 2018, you know the tech would have become commercially available since. And we’d have whole squadrons of bionic “super soldiers”. And probably powered armor like Starship Troopers. And returning wounded vets and accident survivors would have cheap normally powered artificial limbs.

Bionic tech wouldn’t have remained static and secret all these years. It has far too many applications.

Wasn’t the 2007 show Chuck sort of a modern take on ol Six Mil? A normal person who becomes augmented and gets recruited for spy missions?

We could rebuild it. We had the technology.

Heh. All the kids in my neighborhood growing up watched the show, and we all played Bionic Man. Although we all had different sets of bionic limbs in our imaginations, we all did the sound effect when we used them!

I might watch a Mark Wahlberg remake, depending on the reviews. Hope they give Lee Majors a cameo (yikes - he’s 79!).

That one scared me witless at the time (I was 4 or 5).

That’s the first episode I remember (the second being the one with Bigfoot).

There have been several versions over the years, but due to the rights issue no one could ever have bionic limbs, so you got brain upgrades or nanotech like Bionic Woman, Jake 2.0 and Chuck.

I remember reading a story around the time that the Andre the Giant special came out on ESPN and I learned that Andre portrayed Bigfoot in 6MDM. I had no idea. I watched all the bionic shows when I was growing up, too…

Majors just played Ash’s dad in several episodes of Evil Dead, so he’s still out there.

And a better choice couldn’t have been made.

Anybody know their Air Force decorations and can tell us what medals Col. Austin won?:

I like the Venture Brothers’ take on the $6 Million Man.

Partial answer.

Distinguished Flying Cross
Air Medal
Not sure about the next one. Possibly an Air Force Outstanding Unit Award.
National Defense Service Medal
Vietnam Service Medal (with a Service Star)
Vietnam Campaign Medal

Thanks! Good to know.

Wasn’t Neil Armstrong a civilian at the time of Apollo 11?

He started out as a naval aviator, but became a test pilot for NACA after serving in the Korean War.

Doesn’t help that Barbara Anderson has just one gear in her acting repartee.

Starts very cool though. Very 70ish.

I especially liked how they used the real crash of a Northrop M2-F2 lifting body in the title sequence. Which the pilot survived, though he eventually lost an eye.

Funny story: I was watching the title sequence once, sitting next to an open window on the second floor of the house where I was living. At precisely the moment the lifting body crashed, I caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye of a commercial airliner making a rapid descent into MSP International Airport, which was not all that far away.

Scared the **hell **out of me; for a split second, I actually thought there *was *a large aircraft about to crash right on top of me!