The Time and Temperature Thread

5:33pm Sunday and 77 degrees. Don’t let that fool you though. It’s been chilly at night. Some sort of weather front has brought rain and heavy trade winds. It’s dropped close to 60 degrees these past few nights, with some higher elevations in the 50s. We’ve had to turn down the fan and close the window a little.

-12F with a windchill of -31F (When I woke up at 6:30AM it was -44F windchill).

We will be “enjoying” similar temps all week! YAHOO!

0900 MST:

Currently, -27C/-17F. Also, I love (not!) this from today’s forecast:

(Emphasis added. Temperatures in the quote are in Celcius.)

5pm and 81 degrees. Our “cold snap” may be over. Hotter in the daytime, and not so cool at night.

Here it’s -4 degrees as I type, getting ready to go to work.

4,00 am here in flyover country and -11f (-24c)

5:30 AM, -15F


7:30 AM, 23 F here on Prudhoe Galveston Bay

11:30AM and +11 F near Purdue U.