The Treats You Give

When I was a kid I was thrilled to get a full-sized candy bar. I think when I was very little we didn’t have “fun-sized” yet, but most people gave out lollipops or something else other than chocolate bars.

This year was the first year I gave out full-sized bars. Most of the kids didn’t seem to notice, being too hyped up, but a few them noticed and were really impressed. Made me feel good all over. I’ll do it again next year.

I had just about 70 kids. One bar per kid.

I’m giving out Archie Comics Digests!

Gets the kids reading, & the little guys like a bit o swag with their corn-syrup-spiked goo.

I have around 60 little boxes of Junior Mints, 20 or so packages of Hersheys Kissables, and 20 or so little Milky Ways.
At one per kid, I should be able to get rid of most of them…except those very few I saved for me. :wink:

This year I’m giving out Milky Ways, Kit-Kats, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Hershey’s Milk Chocolate, all fun size, 2 per kid; except that the teenage kid with no costume yelling “Come on out, we’ve got candy” only got 1. I always consider getting the full-size, but I always end up passing on them because of the price. Maybe next year.

We had the cool house that gave out full-size bars on our street–and then they came over and gave my mom all the leftover candy (and they always had leftovers). And it wasn’t “one per kid”, either–it was “hold out a cake pan full of candy and say “Dig in” to the kids”. The other cool house in the neighborhood was a few blocks away and they gave out comic books.


Er… that should be “Come on out, we want candy.” Don’t ask me what I was thinking. I have no idea.

I loved the houses that brought out the big guns, they were usually the same houses that were always good to hit up at fund-raiser time too.

I’d do it if I could, but we just get way too many TOTers around here, about 150 tonight.

Last week, when my sister and I were together, my son was waxing enthusiastic about the prospect of trick-or-treating with his friend, with whom he’d TOT’d before. “There’s a house in his neighborhood that gives out FULL-SIZE CANDY BARS!”

I turned to my sister and said, “Do you remember getting full-size candy bars at Mrs. Casey’s house?” You betcha she did, for lo these 30+ years. (Another biggie was getting full-size boxes of Cracker Jack – the kind that came in a three-pack taped together.)

It is a memorable thing, indeed.

Tonight, in the Chez FaerieBeth Massive Cauldron of Candy, we had a selection of KitKats, Reese’s Cups, Three Musketeers, Milky Ways*, Pixie Stix, Smarties, Tootsie Rolls, DumDums, and bubble gum. We started out with 4 pieces of candy per ToTer, but by the time the people from out of neighborhood started showing up with truck loads of kids, I’d gone down to two pieces per.

I actually did give the couple of teenagers who showed up some candy, even though they weren’t wearing costumes. They were two boys, about 16ish I’d say, shepherding three smaller children that appeared to be younger siblings. They looked less than thrilled to have been assigned chaperon duty, so I rewarded their familial service.

*all candy bars were fun sized.

Oh man I miss those houses that gave out full-sized candy bars. And I really miss that one house that gave out king-sized candy bars. Those were awesome. I wish I could be a kid again, just for Halloween :smiley:

Eewwww! Those are disgusting. They’re like harded movie theater “butter flavoring.” You can have 'em all.
: barfing smilie :
I gave all the kids two or three each and still have a bunch left over. At least I know I won’t eat them.
Okay, I’m off to raid the BiblioKid’s stash for Junior Mints and 3 Mustketeers bars!
Mmmm, chocolate!

I’m highly disappointed in the fact that I don’t think we got even one kid here. We take the boys to TOT in my SIL’s neighborhood - a nicer area, but still. There’s gotta be a bunch of kids in the Section 8 apts around the corner. But none came. My friendly bowl of candy on the well-lit and signed doorstep didn’t appear to even have been touched. I always walk out hoping that someone will have come and taken my candy. I KNOW I’m not the street’s crazy bitch. That’s next door.

My husband made an observation last night that we (collective we) just don’t do Halloween like in the old days some thirty years ago. I told him that yes, we do, it’s just all the other people that don’t. Not sure if it’s different cultures or what, could well be. Damn shame. It’s just harmless fun for kids that’s gotten skewed over the years. Or the parents of said other children are lazy? Or believe it’s Paganist? Again, damn shame.

Can’t even have “Halloween Parties” at school anymore. No costume parade, no costumes at school at all. WTF?

So now I’ve got several pounds of M & M’s just sitting there daring me. Boogers. Gonna have to off them somehow!

It rained.

No kids.


My parents used to be the ones to give out fullsized. If I had trick-or-treaters, I would do fullsize. I’m in an apartment, though, so no candy. I was surprised - I did have a couple knock on my door. I didn’t buy candy, though, so I just didn’t answer.


I remember going TOT with some friends from a different neighborhood because a house over there gave out full-sized stuff. My mom would slip my brother and I’s friends full sized bars along with the regular stuff she gave everyone else. And then when we got home I would make sure to give her all the chocolate I didn’t like - stuff with caramel or nuts in it.

We bought five bags of Reese’s PBC and one of Nestle’s Crunch. We didn’t have a lot of kids so we had a ton of leftover Reese’s (husband’s favorite). Since husband was being an ass, I gave all the leftovers to my 16 yr old son. I’m now the cool mom. :smiley:

Max Torque, high-five

This is Exactly what I like doing, and my wife Hates it when I do it. She insists that we buy 2 boxes of sandwhich sized ziplocks and fill each one with one mini bar, one lolly-pop, one airhead, and one on-sale-junk thing. Its 2-hours out of my life every October to assemble to her exact OCD specifications what we must give out. BTW, if there are extras of any one item, I am Forbidden to add them to the Ziplocks…they are to be handed out at the end right before the porch lights go out.

PS- I also like taking all the left-over candy into the office for disposal the next day. Everytime I mention this, all the chocolate bags Magically Disapear, only to be found 6 months later under her side of the bed, covered in cat-fur and dust-bunnies, and suitable only for the garbage.

Being overly dramatic, you say? Well it was just this past week that I found her grungy melted stash of chocolate EASTER CANDY!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :frowning:

We got 3 big bags of mixed non-chocolate candy. dum-dums, swedish fish, nerds, smarties, sweettarts, dubble bubble, lemon heads, all that sort of stuff. Got near 100 ToT’s and we still have a bit left over to snack on ourselves. Unfortunately I did have to get a bit stingy near the end, but at least we didn’t have to close up shop early. My biggest concern is running out, the little stuff can be cut back on a bit if you’re getting short, you can’t give 3/4 of a candy bar.

Next year, I’ll bump it up to 4 or 5 bags.

For the last 7 years, we’ve been giving out 18" long Pixy Stix. Yes, plastic tubes full of colored sugar. But we are by far the coolest house in the neighborhood (for 1 night a year.) The first year it was a beautiful night, and we had the windows open. You could hear the kids on the street calling to each other “WOW, you have to see what this house has!”

So far, none of the parents have threatened to beat us up.