The *very* crane that inspired my thread about toppling cranes collapsed today!

I was across town when it happened with a group of Scouts touring The Cloisters. It’s built very close to a fault line and some of the kids were jumping up and down by the seismograph machines to try to get the needles to move. I stopped them quickly; I’m sure it was just a coincidence.

I thought of that one, too. It took some powerful searching-fu to get back prior to 2002, but here’s the thread in question:

Impossible for Every Plane to Land?

Wait, I’ve got a bizarre 9/11 coinkidink as well. One of the first threads I ever launched (under my old handle, Rocket88), was a general question about how many people, on average, were in the air at any given moment. The OP was posted the evening of 10 September 2001, at (gulp) 9:11 PM. Only got one answer, from one of the Mods, go figure.

Of course, for the next week or so, there wasn’t anyone in the air (in US airspace at least) except for some military personnel.

And if I hadn’t been distracted by the events of the time, I would have pointed out to you that you totally neglected the non-airlines aspect of aviation, which is considerably larger in number of aircraft per day, although fewer number of people per aircraft.

It’s still an interesting question. Maybe you should ask it again.

But - back to the topic of this thread - have they found all the missing people yet, or are they still missing?

  1. What are the chances that Stuyguy will win the lottery and give use all a share?
  2. What are the chances that a meteor will fall out of the sky and bop Stuyguy on the head?
  3. What are the chances that everyone in the Saint Patrick’s parade will suddenly congregate at Stuyguy’s home?

Hah! You think that’s something? I started a thread about meatloaf and then made one that very day! I get chills just thinking about it.

I literally laughed out loud at this.