The "walkaway movement to abandon liberalism" is astroturf.

A standard projection tactic, attempting to downplay the real “walk away” movement known as Never-Trumpism.

No one is going to change their values. The problem is that a lot of liberal values are being abandoned by Democrats.

There are a lot of Democrats who care about issues like unions, welfare, free speech, free trade, equal rights for all, laws and institutions that treat everyone the same regardless of the color of their skin or their ethnic background.

Then they look at the modern Democratic party with its focus on racial and sexual identity, completely open borders, hate speech codes, quotas and preferential treatment for ‘oppressed’ classes, and they think ‘that’s not the Democratic party I grew up in, and I can’t support them any more’.

Go look up Sam Harris, Dave Rubin and Joe Rogan on Youtube. Check out how many followers they are picking up. These guys are all people who called the Democratic party home for most of their lives, and now find themselves vilified within their own party because they are not down with what the left is doing on college campuses or their abandonment of classically liberal values in favor of identity politics and socialism and open borders for all. Their podcasts often get more viewers than CNN gets in prime time.

If I were a Democrat, I would be especially worried about black voters. They tend to be religious and socially conservative, but were Democrats because Democrats fought for black rights and more social programs to help them. If Democrats abandon or downplay that part of their platform in favor of focusing on LGBT, feminist, and open borders policies, They could fracture that coalition. If that happens, Democrats are in big trouble. Trump picked up more black votes in the ladt election than did Mitt Romney. That should worry Democrats.

If they get their info about the Democratic Party from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, it’s already too late to reach them.

Citation needed.

As always, the Democratic party and the American Left graciously thank the conservative opinionators who are so very concerned about our electoral prospects that they can’t help but offer “advice”.

Yeah. So far it looks unlikely that most registered Democrats will even become aware of this “movement”:

That’s my experience so far—I wouldn’t have known about it except that CNN’s Brian Stelter tweeted a link to the WaPo article.

Enclaves of right-wingers are all excited about something that is highly likely to be mostly IRA (Internet Research Agency) posts/tweets, bot-programmed. Such tweets as I’ve looked at are highly unconvincing in their claims.
And by the way, the “Sofia Vargoros” account mentioned earlier in the thread has been suspended by Twitter, according to the same article:

I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard Democrat leaders demanding “open borders”. Can’t even get to “one”.

Yeah. Hey Sam Stone, please help a brother out and name any three prominent Democrats who have ever called for “completely open borders”. It would be helpful if you could provide dates and locations where this was said, but I’m not demanding miracles.

I will call for open borders, if that somehow magically makes me a Democratic leader. Deal?

“completely open borders”? Got a cite for that?

How about for the “quotas and the preferential treatment for ‘oppressed’ classes” thing, do you have a cite for that? Because I don’t believe that you’ve accurately characterized whatever it is you think you’re referring to.

This thread is the first I had heard of it.

The “walkaway” initiative to harm Democrats does appear to be laboring under the difficulties posed by Twitter’s very recent actions in culling fake accounts. So it’s having trouble reaching enough actual humans to matter.

A new article with some interesting information came out yesterday:

They’ll go to the Greens, or simply refuse to vote, like too many did in 2016.
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Well I’m all for abolishing borders and abandoning the concept of nation-states altogether, but then if people ever voted for me for anything whatsoever up to and including class attendance monitor ; I’d probably have to have them committed on “danger to self and/or others” grounds.

Duh. No one would abandon liberalism. Some GOPers claim it’s a “mental illness,” LOL, but when you read their own theories it’s like, look in a mirror. Anyway, this reeks of Russian BS. A miserable people making others’ lives miserable.

If the Republicans weren’t such racists and sexists and bigots, they could attract a lot of Asian votes.

There is a fairly even split between small government/low tax Asians and robust government/high tax Asians. Asians are pretty evenly split on everything other than bigotry.

Sure there is bigotry against Asians coming from the left but I think we still see Republicans as the party that provides safe harbor for racists.

Does Hillary Clinton count?

IIRC Bernie Sanders was dead set against it. AFAICT Open Borders is more of a New Democrat thing than a liberal Democrat thing.

It is part of the same dumb movement to label anyone who doesn’t vote GOP as “liberal”, a word people have spent decades packing with every demonizing concept possible. There is such a thing as a self-identifying liberal, but mostly this word is used as an accusation in an exercise in name calling.

How do I know that? Ask anyone who uses this word in that way to define it. They Never can.

Well, not open borders. Just the abolishing of the agency which regulates the borders.

Sorta like defunding Planned Parenthood and claiming you aren’t against abortion.

ICE doesn’t regulate the borders, though. Not according to this here pdf.

One thing to remember with American politics is that it’s *all *quite right wing and conservative.
I would consider the Democrat party to be center-right by international standards, and the GOP to be way off to the right and also now batshit crazy.

So the label “Liberalism” is a pretty big umbrella, as it covers everything to the left of this right-shifted baseline (yes I know “left-wing” =/= “Liberal” but that’s how it seems to be used now).

In that context, what does abandoning Liberalism mean? That you pledge to put your fingers in your ears during most political discourse? An up-front promise that you’ll reject any ideas on how to govern a country or improve society if it comes from the wrong part of the political spectrum (where “wrong” is actually most of it)?

ICE doesn’t regulate the borders. That’s CBP’s job.