These ads which exploit little children to tug our heartstrings have GOT to stop.

(hijack) Has anyone else seen those PSAs with the middle aged man who works at a convience store and refuses to sell ciggies to underaged kids? And then those teenagers in their fucking prom dresses and tuxedos come in and ask for ciggies? WHAT THE HELL?! Why are they buying ciggies after prom instead of alcohol? Why did all four of them come in? Has this situation ever occured, ever, in the entire history of the world?! NO!!!
God, I hate that commercial.

I would, but they ask specifically if I’ve had sex with a man since 1977. I don’t typically just jump in and say it in situations where I’m not being asked, but when I am asked it would make me extremely uncomfortable to lie and say “no”.

Well, then. Sorry if I came across all wrong. The real issue is the sanctimonious twits that feel the need to ask stupid shit like that.

That would piss me off, too. That’s none of their business.

What I gathered from the commercial is that these kids (who looked too young for prom, anyway) were dressing up in “adult” clothes to try to fool the convenience store clerk. Not that that makes the commercial any less idiotic.

Oh, the worst one is one I see all the time late at night.

It shows a little girl, about age 8, wearing a white dress, swinging on a swing on a playground. It’s not really the fact that they show the little girl, but the message that is read behind this cutesy scene.

Basically, the gist of the commercial is to prevent teenage pregnancy. The line in the commercial that gets me is,
“The way to stop children from getting pregnant is to stop adult men from having sex with young girls.”

Huh? Do I need to walk up to all adult men that are with young girls and smack them and say “NO!”?? And, considering how many of my teenage male friends became fathers at a young age, don’t young guys have sex with young girls too? I realize that they want to discourage teen pregnancy, but damn… Not all teenage girls that get pregnant have had sex with adult men, dammit. And I don’t know any men personally that would have sex with an 8 year old girl and get her pregnant. yechh…

I always thought that:

a.) Girls can’t get pregnant before puberty

b.) The vast majority of teenage pregnancy results from consensual sex with other teens

It seems as though these folks are trying to further their agenda by piggybacking on a different problem. Why would they need to do that? Isn’t adult/child sex already viewed as a Very Bad Thing?

I think they are trying to refer the the fact that many highschool aged girls become pregnant by 18-21 year old guys. This ‘fact’ has been making the rounds in the feminazi literature lately.

A couple of years back there was a study that showed that most teen mothers were impregnated by older men. This made many people think that a good way to reduce teen pregnancy would be to discourage men from having sex with teenaged girls. I know that statuatory rape laws in my state were tightened, other states probably did the same. While this may have prevented some cases of statuatory rape, it didn’t have much affect on the teen pregnancy rate. Although it was technically true that many teen mothers were impregnated by older men, most of the time it was not an incident of statuatory rape – it tended to be more things like a 17 year old girl being impregnated by her 20 year old boyfriend. Larger age gaps, such as a 15 year old girl and a 25 year old man, are less common.

Your theory is absolutely wrong, sorry to say Ducky.

This isn’t community theatre, it’s nationwide advertising. The whole “residual thing” is carefully constructed into the Screen Actors’ Guild contract. It’s not a slipshod thing in any way. Even moreso than adults, child performers are very carefully protected in terms of how monies are dispersed, how many hours they can work, and under what physical conditions.

Kids do not work cheaper than adults. Let’s set the $ 20 million dollar star salary aside here. We’re talking about Union negotiated rates. The Jackie Coogan Laws, and other child labor laws, pretty much protect children working in this industry.

They may wish to “take the money and run” while they are little and cute, but it’s irrelevant to the O.P. Child actors do not predicate content of commercials, any more than any other END of the PROCESS person.


Could we PLEASE not use the term feminazi?