They're hot! (No they're not.) Yes they are! (Must be the light.)

Then there is Sandra Bullock. No, wait, there are no bad scenes with Sandra in them. Never mind.

I find Maura Tierney hottest when she’s playing someone intelligent, as she did on NewsRadio. As her E.R. character constantly alternates between being very bright to being appallingly dumb (as do all the characters, actually), my attraction waxes and wanes.

Maura Tierney was wicked cute on NewsRadio. I think it’s the living (and I’ve heard she’s a smoker) as much as the lighting that has dulled the edge, so to speak.

Not mentioned yet, Gwyneth Paltrow.

Kristin Dunst. Though she’s not really hot, she can be downright hideous sometimes…


with celebrities that’s easy enough to explain since they will have varying degrees of lighting/makeup/photoshopping. but oddly i find the same phenomenon when looking at the person i should be most familiar with - myself. granted there can be variations in lighting, sharpness of mirror, etc. but i still find it amazing that i can look in the mirror at different times and see a person who is anything from “wow maybe i should start a modeling career” to “holy crap i’m ugly i will never be loved”.


Oh my god was that funny.

Famke Janssen. Hot. Not.

Some women age exceptionally well. I don’t mean that they don’t appear to age, but the evidence of their aging looks good upon them. They wear it well. There may be some slight wrinkles around the eyes that were not there in years before, and the forehead may not be as smooth as it once was, but these things in no way detract from some womens attractiveness, but merely become a part of it.

I have always thought that Maura Tierney was quite a pretty girl and young woman in her News Radio and earlier ER days, but now find that she has developed a beauty that easily makes up for any differences that the years may have had on her. On a clean closeup, I can see that she is not a twenty year old woman any longer, but I also cannot see anything that makes her less attractive than she was at twenty. A little different, maybe, but not anything less.

But then again, I’ve always had a crush on Maura Tierney :smiley:


I just watched “The New World”. The girl that plays Pocahontas sometimes looks pretty, but most of the time I think that her jaw is so big that I wonder if she’s a transexual.

My favorite example of this is David Boreanaz. On Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, I swear he changed from cute to ugh from scene to scene…even when not in game-face. I also agree completely about Janeane Garofalo, especially in contrast with Uma Thurman, who is rather strange-looking in my opinion. Those hands and feet…shudder.

Claudia Black.



Fergie (Black Eye Peas).

Catch her at the right angle, and she appears fine. Miss the angle and…yikes! Body to die for, however. I guess that’s why paper bags were invented.

I think that this was the point of the movie. Uma’s character is presented as the typical “ideal” woman. Tall, blonde, anorexic, dumb. Janeane’s character is none of those. Yet during the course of the movie the audience is led to realise that she is more beautiful than Uma’s character. It defeats the purpose to have her start out as the “hot knockout friend.”

Liv Tyler and Julia Roberts fall into this category for me. Hard to say why.

No, that’s why God invented Dark.

I have a friend who used to say that if you ever find yourself having sex with a girl with an ugly face, just wrap it up in the American flag, because there’s nothing motr beautiful than the American flag. :stuck_out_tongue:

When I was in college, Bette Midler was just beginning to be well-known. One of my classmates described her with a line I’ve found useful a thousand times since.

She’s the most beautiful woman in the world. Below the neck.

Ya know, I never really thought of Bette Midler as having a really good body. Not bad, but not, ya know, SMOKIN’ HOT.

Do a lot of people find her body hot?

1970s Bette Midler was pretty hot, assuming you like women with a few curves.