Things in fiction that annoy you

Have you ever seen the episode of Wonder Woman that was a takeoff on The Boys from Brazil? A clone of Adolf Hitler materializes on a slab in a lab, fully grown, in his uniform, and with his memory intact!

The best part, though, was hearing Diana Prince (Lynda Carter), posing as a Nazi, say “Diesen Weg, mein Führer, bitte.” :rofl:

Gun bullshit. I’m not a gun “nut”, but I grew up with them and spent a career in the military, so have more than a nodding acquaintance with how they work. For one thing, if your gun makes a loud rattling noise whenever you move it quickly, you might want to buy a new one. Also, what’s with this:

“Hold it right there! Don’t move! Put down the gun!”
::guy moves::
::other guy jacks a round into the chamber::

I’ve also seen scenes where someone is pointing a double-barreled shotgun at someone, and the sound person has dubbed in the sound of a pump action being racked.

The original Harry Potter: The whole point of the annual award is so the students (in each house) will police themselves. (Clever - those teachers.) Awarding it to Harry’s house because of “one big good thing” makes a mockery of the system and of the students’ efforts throughout the year. Instead Harry should have gotten a “special award”.

And the entire story is just an retread of “lonely student at a boarding school in England” – with a coating of magic.

I did see that a long time ago. It was pretty good IIRC. Of course, the “ressurect my dead spouse” plot has been done repeatedly as well - Replicas, Archive, The Lazarus Effect, Transcendence, The 6th Day, Bride of Frankenstein.

I mean…I love you honey. But I think it might just be easier to move on and start dating again instead of finding corporate funding for this massive Nobel-prize winning project combining cloning, AI, and possibly the occult to bring you back to life.

You know the stopping a phonecall without saying goodbye thing? Today I watched a film that was ridiculously bad for this. The Little Things, with Rami Malek and Denzel Washington; Malek practically slammed the phone down every time, not in anger but as if it were normal.

There was one conversation where he called up to invite a guy to dinner, the guy said “that place with the potato skins?” and Rami just hung up. I mean, that’s mid-conversation. If it had been me I wouldn’t have turned up to the meal, not just because of the rudeness but because I’d want to know it was really the right place.

It was a recent movie so you’d think they’d be aware that this is a much-mocked trope.

And at the end, Wonder Woman “reverses” the cloning process, and the cloned Hitler vanishes (i.e., they ran the film backwards). Which is basically murder, even if it is Hitler.

Yep, those were the days of quality TV entertainment! :slight_smile:

In addition to that, the murder of the police chief takes place close to the end of the film. We don’t know what sort of fallout there was to her being killed - the movie ends before that becomes relevant.

I always marvel at those L-shaped sheets. The sheet comes up to the armpits of the woman, but only the waist of the man.

As originally quoted on Futurama; in Where No Fan Has Gone Before:

Well, usually on the show, someone would come up with a complicated plan, then explain it with a simple analogy.

Hmm. If we can reroute engine power through the primary weapons and reconfigure them to Melllvar’s frequency that should overload his electro-quantum structure.

Like putting too much air in a balloon! Of course! It’s so simple!