Things that make me feel old.

A few months ago I was at an Idols event and was chatting with one of the contestant’s father. He introduced me to a friend of his, who promptly asked “Oh, are you one of the contestant’s mother?”

I could have cried. The youngest contestant was 17! To think that someone could have even briefly thought that I was old enough to be the mother of a 17 year old was just disheartening…

Ooh ooh, I got another one!

My junior year in high school, one of my good friends got pregnant at the age of 16. We’ve long since lost touch, but I remember her going through the pregnancy, seeing the baby for the first time, etc.

It occurred to me the other day that her daughter would now be nearly 13.

I realised to my horror last weekend that this year is the 25th anniversary of my high-school graduation. I went to my tenth-anniversary reunion and discovered to my dismay that everyone had grown up. It will be even more so this time.

I arranged my sketchbooks in order a few days ago. They started in 1981. Many of them are from the mid-eighties. People I knew then are now grandparents.

The Minister of Health is younger than me. So is my local Conservative party candidate, who is Italian-Canadian, balding, a family man, and looks older than me.

I think back to first year at university, and remember that I was interested in a woman in my class, but that she was too old and wouldn’t be interested in me. I was 18. She was 26. Now I would be considered a dirty old man for expressing interest in anyone under 30.

I’m 42.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I’m still youunngggg…

I recently realized that I am older than my mother-in-law was when I married her son. EEEEK!

[hijack]WVmom - did you get my email the other day/[/hijack]

Hmm. No, I didn’t. I checked my email address in my profile, and it’s correct, so I’m not sure why not.

There’s a very good reason why. I didn’t send it to you. I sent it to taxi78cab. I just knew it involved SA which is why I thought it was to you. (gee - I feel old…:rolleyes: )