Things you sincerely believe about politicians and elections others might find weird

I believe that candidates should only make campaign promises they intend to keep.

I believe both sides are as good/bad as each other. The badness of each side may show itself differently, but both sides are generally as petty, hypocritical, vindictive and corrupt as the other. This is the case in every country. One side may be superior ideologically, but politically they all stink to roughly the same extent.

That each and every political action results in a roughly opposite and equal political reaction. This is linked to my point above about both sides being as bad as each other.

90% of political news and analysis is rubbish. Most journalists know no more than you or I. All they are doing is filing copy.

I’m not sure exactly which way you’re kidding, but in US elections, only about 40% of the population votes. While any single individual may not make much of a difference, if a candidate could get just 10% more voters to come out to the ballot box, they would have a guaranteed victory.

In the US, elections are more about motivating people to cast a vote than convincing them how to cast it. For 90% of the electorate, they’ve already made up their minds how to vote, just not whether to vote. (This is something polls represent very poorly.)

In fact, for every person complaining about the Republican Party… if young/poor/minority voted at the same rates as old/rich/white, Democrats would be sweeping up 60% of the popular vote year after year until the Republicans changed their platform.

Heh. Anyone remember that SNL skit, right after Clinton beat Dole? Where he thanks America for voting him back in with a mandate, because, hey, “less than half of the less than half of the people that voted, stood up and demanded four more years!”

(“And, sure, to be honest, Arkansas shouldn’t really count, because that’s my home state; and you have to subtract me, and Hillary … and, of course, you should take out anyone who depends on my Administration for a job … subtracting voter error, voter fraud … the total number of people who honestly and actively wanted me to be President of the United States was … one guy, Steve Bilson.”)

Presidents rarely have influence on the economy. So vote social issues.

We could cut the presidential primaries down to, like, three days.


I thought a thread about “weird” political opinions would be something other than boilerplate fare. Like in the summer the President invite Congress over to the White House to play hide and go seek. Or that Carly Fiorina is a bunch of squirrels in a human costume.

I thought that one was pretty much universally agreed.

Yes, exactly.