Thinking of buying Tivo - Suggestions?

The Tivo-to-go and online scheduling features sound really useful, but I still would prefer not to have two boxes; the Tivo and the cable box. So for now I’m going to stick with the Comcast DVR, although I may sign up when Comcast offers Tivo software on its cable boxes.

And there’s the “cable card,” a secure card that can be inserted in a specially-designed television set or DVR and will let you watch everything without needing a cable converter box. Does anyone know if these are available from any cable company? How well does it work?

I have had TiVo for years… long enough that I’ve lost track of quite how long. However, if you’re thinking of getting it right now, you might want to hold off, as the next big advancement in technology, recording HD in real HD quality, is coming up in the next year or so…
But it IS truly awesome. Awe. Some.