This act of agnostic teenage rebellion was not my idea...

Ezekiel 23:20 is a classic.

You could encourage her to read books like this, if she does not own a similar book already:

Also, Bullfinch’s Mythology is good:

I loved this kind of stuff in my early teens; she probably would too!

I agree that someone needs to tell them that, but it’s not gonna be me. I’ll tell you why.

It’s not because I want her to be an atheist, because I don’t care. It’s because I want her to have a refuge in case she decides to be an atheist or an agnostic ora Congregationalist or a B’hai or a Wiccan, well, you get it. On the night I first heard of my cousin being punished for TELLING THE TRUTH, I told them my opinion of what they were doing; but since then I have kept my mouth shut, and my opposition doesn’t seem to have registered with them. Consequently they let her come over here when she wants to in a way they might not if I were critical of their choices. I had no clean well-lighted place when I was that age, so I want to give her one if possible.

She had Bulfinch before the big blowup last year, when anything remotely suspect got garbage binned.

Of course, there are still libraries. And she’s free to look at most of my books, and I have a lot of books.

Good for her.

Also, typing from the sidelines, I’d wish you would take a more active role in this whole thing but I completely understand why you aren’t. I’d probably do the same.

And another also, I just read ultrafilter’s suggestion of Ezekiel 23:20. Not bad :smiley:

The thing about taking a more active role is that is is unlikely to do any good, and possibly counter-productive. SHE knows if she needs place to hang out and decompress from the weirdness, she can do it at my place, and that I will be hapy to trump up an excuse for her to do it. But for me to be able to do this her parents have to think of me as not being actively in opposition to their … questionable … course of action.

Well, I think that is a very healthy and wise decision on your part. Bravo!

(I need to take the time to read the thread that you linked to, regarding events of a few months ago…)

It wasn’t my first impulse. Don’t worry, I’m still a hotheaded dick.

Well, I said thank you, and I’ll say it again here since the hamsters rebelling.

I actually advised her not to do it again. That verse would get her spanked.

I’m just dropping in to add another kudos to “Jess” for standing up for herself. I only wish I’d had the balls when I was her age.

Also, kudos to Skald for having the sense to keep calm and under the radar so as to provide the girl a clean well-lighted place. If it had been me, I would have either said nothing or would have thrown a hissy. You’re one of my favorite posters and now I respect you even more.

I remember reading the first story in this saga. The link in the OP shows that Jess is capable of immense maturity and strength of character. This OP shows she can be clever and cheeky, too.

Good for her.

I remember’s take on that. ‘We can presume the Egyptians were some fairly kick-ass people, if the worst insult people could throw at them was the fact that their collective packages were too big. “Yeah, you guys think you’re soo great, with your incredible wealth and magnificent culture, but at least I don’t have an astoundingly large manhood. Nyah nyah nyah!”’

They were actually saying “genes” but were hoping you’d get confused. Nuns can be tricksy like that.

I just knew someone would come in with that verse from Ezekiel!:smiley:

Last January the youth from our diocese(Episcopal) had an annual weekend event called Miqra. The word is from Hebrew, and refers to a public reading of the scriptures. The young people have socializing, classes, and worship, but the main deal is a reading of the Bible, from beginning to end. They start on Friday and end sometime on Sunday, reading out loud in one hour shifts.

So we can, if we wish, go to the church at 3:00AM and hear someone reading. I’ve often wondered, when they get to the juicy bits, how they feel. I mean, c’mon, it’s one thing to read that stuff privately to oneself, but to read out loud about squeezing virgin nipples is another!:stuck_out_tongue:

Satan’s existence is unsupported by the Bible.

He gets mentioned once in the OT. The reference is to ‘the adversary’ as a job title, essentially somebody who takes the opposite position in the debate

Re The Song Of Solomon

Is it ‘take comfort in the joy of her breasts’ or ‘take joy in the comfort of her breasts’? Oh what the heck, I’ll try to do both.

On a serious note- I agree with the above posters that if her parents want to drive her away from Christianity, they are doing an excellent job.

Strictly for what it’s worth, I looked up the orginal passage, Judges 1:19; it reads a little different in the New International Version.

Specifically, a bit of difference in just who failed to cleanse the plains of ‘the people.’ (Some ambiguous pronouns in that passage even so.)

I quite agree that it’s more important for Skald to be available for his cousin, than to try to win any particular game of words with her parents.

I enjoy the Lolcat bible translation:

The passage in the Bible in One Year should occur on April 23. The OT reading on that day is Judges 1:1-2:9

She should use Psalm 137:9 next time