This is my Boom Stick!

Did you speak the exact words?

Maybe I didn’t say every single teeny tiny little syllable, but basically I said them, yeah…basically.

I live…again…

Well that’s just what we call “pillow talk”, baby, that’s all.

Someday I really must watch that movie…

You were first, but Yeah that line rolls off the tongue Real easy. :stuck_out_tongue:

The best part of the changed title in Japan: Bruce Campbell’s name in a can of Soup in the movie poster:

A can of Campbell’s Army of Darkness Soup * no less! So the movie ad people did find a way to mention the original name, at least in Japan.

  • With little pasta shaped skeletons? :smiley:

Name’s Ash. Housewares.

Klaatu Barada…Nicotine!

Don’t be disappointed if it seems like just a bunch of quotes strung together.

Nectar, neck tie…definitely an ‘n’ word.

I live, again!

Buckle up bonehead, 'cause you’re going for a ride.

“Shoot first, think never.”