Those who are uncomfortable around spiders, do NOT open this thread!

That is so damn cool. I know EXACTLY how Moxmaiden, myself, and the expansion sets are spending our Labor Day. Now I just have to charge up the batteries in the RC boats and helicopter, research geocaches in that area, do some minor maintenance on a couple bikes, and find my gorram camera. If all goes well I’ll have some good pics to post on Tuesday. :slight_smile:


That wasn’t a picture of tent caterpillar webs, I saw the same (or similar) picture in the New York Times accompanying an article about a strange spider colony that appeared in a nature preserve in Texas. Out of the ordinary for spiders in temperate climates, but some species in the tropics do this.

Yes, but when the finish off the mosquitos…

EEEK! :eek:

Nope, definitely spiders. Here’s some info from local Entomologists. Their speculation is that this is a dispersal event, rather than a food-harvesting cooperative effort. So instead of it being a community, it’s a launching point for the inveitable invasion.

That’ll happen around the time the sun goes nova. The mosquito population wouldn’t even feel a twinge, even if hundreds more webs like this sprung up.


All I can think of now is that big clumsy spider on that episode of Gilligan’s Island. You know the one I’m talking about.