Thought about Anne Hathaway and The Dark Knight Rises

Pretty much. Plus, her motivation didn’t make sense - she wants a piece of software that can wipe her criminal record? When anarchy comes to Gotham, why doesn’t she just go to the courthouse and burn her criminal record? For that matter, why is still in Gotham? Someone with her survival instinct should have bailed at earliest opportunity.

It’s all digital. And if it’s important (criminal records tend to be) there should be several offsite backups.

You got the part where the army helps out keeping everybody inside, right? Not to say they’re infallible, but with the surveillance and firepower they have at hand, I would overthink my escape plans thoroughly.

Towards the beginning of the movie a newspaper headline is seen which reads something like, “The Cat Strikes Again.”

Yes, she is supposed to be Catwoman.

I know that during hurricane Katrina there was talk that criminal and vital records in some parts of Louisiana were plain lost and how this was going to cause pain for a lot of people. That was 2005,

Then that software she wanted must be conveniently magical.

For several months? Anyway, there were people being sent “into exile” by being made to walk across the ice. It seemed to me that this was a potentially feasible escape route, if instead of walking, you just lie flat to distribute your weight and slide across the ice like a harp seal, and more so if you’re a relatively light person, i.e. a slim woman like Selena Kyle. It was just another dumb oversight in a fairly dumb movie.

Maybe she knew that turning a fusion reactor into a bomb is pure bullshit and that therefor she was in no danger? Arguing plot holes in DKR is a pretty pointless exercise.

And he’s “the goddamn Batman”. Of course they’re a perfect match!

Yeah, Skin tight leather and she’s sitting on the batpod with her ass up in the air, waggling it at the camera. That’s downplaying it? If that’s downplaying it…

Jeez people; it’s a movie based on a comic book. Suspend some disbelief and have a little fun.

We are…? For some of us it’s fun to take it apart, too.


This isn’t a disbelief issue, it’s a question about the character. Please don’t threadshit.


And Selina Kyle is Catwoman. There’s no two ways about that. This is their interpretation of the character.

Wow. I didn’t interpret my remark as threadshitting at all. We’re getting into technical discussions on electronic record destruction, the feasibility of turning fusion reactors into bombs, and how to properly disperse ones weight while traversing thin ice.

Continue on then.

So I guess I’m wrong about my interpretation. Meh, I’ll hold onto it anyway, because it’s fun for me.

Ok, but it sounds like your interpretation is based on some mistakes about the way the character has been used over the years. It actually sounds more like what I thought they were going to do with her character based on the first pictures they released. When I saw Hathaway on the Bat Cycle I thought maybe they were going to have her play an unstable Batman admirer who insists on getting involved.

Googling around, it looks like in prerelease there was a lot of speculation that Hathaway was going to be Batgirl. So I’m no the only one that made that association.

That would’ve been before they announced she was playing Selina Kyle.

I think she also refers to herself as “the Cat” a time or two. Something like “Did they really think that they could catch the Cat?”.

As an aside, has anyone else noticed that, despite all her class-warfare talk, the very first time we see her she’s attempting to steal something extremely valuable from what appears to be an ordinary working schmo? Surely, she could have just left no fingerprints at all, at least as easily as leaving false prints.

What? The first time we see her stealing something, it’s from Bruce Wayne, one of the richest men in the world.

What she was stealing from Bruce Wayne was a single string of pearls, a drop in the bucket for a man of his wealth. But at the same time, she was also stealing the freedom of some fat balding guy, by wearing his fingerprints to crack Wayne’s safe. That’s a much bigger deal than the pearls.

I’m having more fun deconstructing the movie than I did watching it.