Tiffany and Debbie Gibson Cat Fight

Catfights PLUS mutated monsters fighting each other? Well, say what you want about quality, but SyFy Channel is developing real skill at bringing the cheese!

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Have no idea who they are but that was hot! :slight_smile:
ETA: I’m spent!

And something about a bunk…

If someone had told me that this would happen back then…I just don’t know.

I don’t have any idea who either of those babes is.

But I am soooooo looking forward to the movie. I’m guessing it’s another “So craptacular it’s great” SYFY Original.

No shiite. Just the quick flashes of Ms. Gibson’s panties that we see in the clip would’ve been enough to send me to moi bunk.

Somebody at ScyFy needs an Emmy… do they have a category for stunt casting?

They’ve both been in SyFy movies before - Debbie Gibson in “Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus”, and Tiffany in “Mega Piranha”, but yes, it takes a rare genius to put them in a movie together. The cat fight is just icing on the cake.

You do realize that I think both of them have posed for Playboy, right? You can see a hell of a lot more than her panties with a little google.

They have?

:childhood memories crumbling:

Er… what issues? :wink:

Psh, wasn’t even real.

Norman Mailer v. Rip Torn, now THAT was a real fight.

From Wikipedia:

“In the April 2002 issue of Playboy, Tiffany appeared fully nude. Her '80s-era rival Debbie Gibson appeared nude in the magazine in March 2005.”

Not neither of those two are cats though.

And coincidentally, both of those movies are airing immediately before Mega Python vs Gatoroid. IIRC, Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus has the scene where Mega Shark leaps out of the water and bites an airliner.

Rick Astley is a pantywaist
Gonna stick my butt in his face
His teeny tiny two inches of terror
Really are gonna scare ya

Harebrained cockamamie knuckleheaded idjit galoot

Best Mojo line ever. I wish I had a kid just so I could call him that.

Reposting the awesome Megashark graphic.

I’m watching it now, and I just want to say that Mickey Dolenz had the greatest cameo since the glory days of Police Squad!

The movie, of course, sucks.

I’m thinking that this is a Syfy landmark movie. They actually realize how awful it is, and are camping it up. Particularly with the two hosts. It was a brilliant marketing strategy to play up the cat fight

I just don’t get the fascination with “cat fights”.

I totally get seeing hot chicks roll around and make out, but not the part where they’re trying to do each other harm. That’s just not hot to me.

By the way, sat down for a SyFy marathon today. Think I’ll start a second thread.

There was some serious chestal stroking going on in the cat fight.

Eh. Liked Miley Cyrus and Tyra Banks better. Those chicks were out for blood!