Time for my annual "there's-only-one-U-in-nuptial" rant

Well but our friends at Dictionary Com tell us that the ‘mutual’ pronunciation is ‘not standard’ but not illegal. I think it came from stretching out the chi sound to sshhhiii which lazily modulated to shu.

At any rate, it doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the ‘tata’ syndrome; adding more 'ta’s into words like orient (‘orientate’ - AUGH) or turning nouns into verbs: ‘let’s action that’. Not to mention people who have utterly lost the ability to spell ‘lose’ ‘peek’, and ‘pique’.

And then theres the total misuse of apostrophes and contractions and let’s not forget …

You know, I was talking to my realator about this just last week…

Is that the local realator who used to be a famous college athalete?

Yes, it is, as a matter of fact; we were at the laundomat where he was doing his warsh.

One man’s rant is another man’s edification.
I’ve said it wrong forever. Guess I should stop knocking Bush for nuculur? Nah.

Does his wife wear alot of jewellery?

I thought it was going to be about Bridzillas.

It’s a schwa word after all
It’s a schwa word after all…

Oh man, I never knew. I thought I was a pretty smart guy too, but I guess this calls all that into question.

Well, I’m off to go flagellate myself with the old cat-o’-nine-tails. A thousand lashes should cover it, right? I’ll post again in a few days when I recover.

Nuptial, nuptial, nuptial, nuptial…

You say we’re all pronouncing it wrong.

I say everyone’s spelling it wrong.


So I was the only one expecting an anti-polygamy rant?